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Ashton pov

Ashton was lying in bed staring at the most beautiful present he has ever gotten. 5sos tickets!!! He let out another huge squel and rolled around in his bed. "I can't believe it, I'm going to see the hottest man alive, Luke fucking Hemings!!!! Oh my god, oh my god this is the awesomest night of my life!!!" "Ashton!!! Go to bed." Abby pounded on the thin wall between there bedrooms. 'My sisters should know how I feal I mean they get to see Miky and Cal. Not my fault I'm so excited. I'm going to see my biggest crush ever. To be honest he's the only thing to make me happy.' I can't wait only two more days till the concert. Well I should go to sleep now "Goodnight Luke"

"Ashton wake up!! Time for school." Why does Taylor need to be so loud in the morning. Well guess it's time to get ready to go to hell. Ashton put on his purple skinnies, Avenged Sevenfold wife beeter, and his black vans. He than walked to his computer chair and grabbed his black sweater he threw on everday to hide his obviously scarred skin.  Ashton grabbed his backpack and walked downstairs to join his sisters and mom in the kitchen. Ashton purposely came down right when the bus got there so he would again have an excuse not to eat at the house. "Ashton sweetie, have an aplle at least." "It's fine mom I'll grab something later." "Okay by kids luv u." "Bye mom." On the way to school Ashton sat in the middle of the bus completely unnoticed by everyone else. His sisters sit by tgeir friends in the back but Ashton doesn't have anybody to sit by he doesn't have friends in general. So like every other day Ashton sits and stares out of the window watching life as it tauntily passes him by. They finally arive at the school and Ashton is the last off the bus. He walks to his locker and starts to grab his books as his locker gets slammed in his face and his books are thrown to the ground. He groans as he notices Seth and some others from the basketball team standing around him. They all laugh at the tears he can feel himself shedding. " Hey everyone look at faggot boy crying" Seth looked at Ashton and roughly shoved him to the ground. He than walked off still laughing as his friends hung back and kicked his ribs shin and his face. The bell rung and they headed to class leaving Ashton's writhing in pain. After a couple minutes Ashton walked to the boys bathroom andstarted to clean himself up when someone walked in he walked out. He was use to this shit. Everyone teased him for being the little defenseless gay boy. Exspecially the basketball team. See football wasn't to important at Ale's highschool. So it was the basketball team who were considered jocks. Ashton continued to walk till he got to tge nurse's office. Right when he opened the door he saw her get the advil and an icepack. She new Ashton verywell he came there often but he would never give names of who did this to him. "Sweetie I wish you would allow me to help you." "I'm sorry." Ashton began to cry he hated that he was so week and that just made him cry harder. Jyst one more day and I get to see Luke I can do this.

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