Chapter Seven

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I was sitting on a bench near a pond in the park. The park was completely emptied, and all the animals were still asleep, minus a few birds. I looked up to a tree when I heard two birds chirping. Those two birds looked so in love cuddling with each other.

I chuckled bitterly, I wish Junkai and I could be like that, but... I know we couldn't. It doesn't matter how much I want us to be together. He doesn't like me the same way I like him, I thought as a single tear dropped from my eyes. I tried not to cry, by wiping away each tear that fell, but it wouldn't stop. When I was about to completely break down, I heard footsteps and heavy breathing approaching me.

Yuan Perspective:
I hesitantly look up in fear and turned my head towards the person when he called my name out in a low voice. I sighed when I saw who it was; the one person I was trying to avoid all morning is standing 10 feet away looking at me. I wanted to run, but when he saw me about to get up, he shouted a breathy, "Wait!" and mumbled something incoherent to me. Although I didn't hear the last part, I hesitantly sat back down.

He bent down and rested his hands on his knees to try to catch his breath. As I watched him breathe heavily, looking like he just ran a marathon, I contemplated on whether or not I should run. Taking into account of his wounded appearance and how exhausted he looked, I figured I could out run him before he even realizes that I left. So I made a run for it. I dashed away as fast as I could, and sped up as I heard Junkai running after me, yelling my name, and telling me to stop.


Junkai's Perspective
After arriving at the park, I hurriedly looked for Yuan. After jogging around for approximately 10 minutes, I saw Yuan seated on a bench near the pond with his head down, hastily rubbing his eyes in the distance. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly ran to Yuan.

By the time I reached him, I was short of breath. I called his name under my breath as I looked straight at him while trying to compose myself. When he saw me, his eyes widened and immediately made a gesture that looked like he was about to run.

Out of panic, I screeched, "Wait!" followed with an inaudible, "Please don't run."

I bent over trying to catch my breath. After running around for god knows how long, it got harder and harder for me to breathe. I knew that I would've fainted due to the lightheadedness, but I kept running because I knew that, even though I may be the biggest idiot in the world for making the mistake of not comforting him and being there for him last night, everything would go wrong if we didn't patch things up immediately. Plus I knew that this will determine our friendship for the rest of our lives, and... who knows how long it'll take for our relationship to regulate back to normal, I sadly thought to myself.

After snapping out of my daze, I looked up and noticed Yuan was no longer sitting on the bench, but instead a mile away from me. Gosh I'm an idiot, I scolded myself under my breath.

I yelled his name and pleading for him to stop, but it seems that all the words I yelled fell on deaf ears. Letting out a heavy sigh, I began to run after him. "God what did I do wrong? Was this morning not punishment enough?" I whined in my head, as I continued to run after Yuan.

"Fine stop looking at me like that. It doesn't suit you," Qianxi said while scrunching up his nose. "He's at the convenient store a couple of blocks away. You know how he is when he is upset. He finds comfort in food," he told me nonchalantly.

"What?!" I screeched out of shock, as I instantly ran to grab my jacket and a mouth mask. I put the jacket on and mouth mask in my pocket, and began to hastily put on my shoes not even bothering to tie them. "He's all the way over there? Why didn't he go to the park like he usually does? Did he bring a jacket or a mask? It's cold outside. Did he leave a long time ago?" I asked in one go, but before Qianxi could answer a single question, I groaned in frustration and was already out the door headed to the convenient store.

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