The Pawn | Chapter Five [Cyberphobia]

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[Chapter Five]


Cyberpobia – Fear of computers or working on a computer


Informing Jaz and Day about my mother was something I decided would be better to delay. It wasn't that I was embarrassed or anything, I just wanted to figure out how I felt about the situation before I let other people form their own opinions.

However, I didn't take into account the fact that I was residing in an unknown government agency that uncovered secrets like it was nobody's business. Only two days after Jay had told me who my mother had been, Jaz and Dayna paid me a visit.

"You know, don't you?" I sighed right when they entered the room.

They exchanged guilty looks before smiling innocently at me. "What? What do we know?"

"Guys, you walked in here like you were unsure of how to act. I'm not an idiot, I can tell something is off."

Their guilty looks faded into sympathetic ones as they sat on either side of me. "So," Dayna said awkwardly, "Er, how are you?" Jaz snorted, but managed to keep any sarcastic comments to herself.

"Well, I guess I'm ok. There's not much I can do about it now, is there?" I asked. I had come to terms with my family and our past and I knew that despite what I thought, nothing would change. Rubbing my hands over my eyes, I asked wearily, "How many people know?"

There was an uncomfortable silence as I waited for Jaz and Dayna to just tell me. "Um," Dayna cleared her throat nervously, "everyone?"

"Well not everyone," Jaz said quickly, shooting Day a speaking glance.

Dayna rolled her eyes and said frankly, "If my parents know, then everyone knows." I grimaced, knowing what she said was true. From what Dayna had told me, her parents didn't know much of what occurred outside of their work. They were constantly absorbed in it and hardly ever came out to eat. So once they knew something, it was no longer a secret.

"What...what do people think? What are they saying?" I asked nervously. My mother was an assassin and an enemy of NANO; frankly I wouldn't be surprised if no one liked me. It's only natural to judge someone based on their family. I already had two strikes against me—my mother and sister—and it would take a miracle to convince people that I was nothing like them.

"They're mostly just surprised," Dayna said casually, too casually.

"I mean, everyone knows about your sister already, so it wasn't too much of a shock that your mom too. You know?" Jaz added.

I rolled my eyes, "Guys, you don't have to sugar coat it for me. I realize that a lot of people aren't going to be comfortable with me. I'd rather just know the truth." They shifted uncomfortably, no doubt trying to find a way to break it to me nicely. "Just tell me," I sighed.

"There are a couple people who are not comfortable with you being here, because of your family history," Dayna said. "They're worried about trusting you because we don't really know you."

"However, there are some people that don't judge, like Day and I," Jaz grinned. "There are always going to be people against you, mate. You just can't let it bother you."

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