Chatper 1: What?

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The sun shined threw Paige's window into her eyes waking her up. Her hair was a mess, and she smudge mascara under her eyes. She pulled her pillow over her head trying to get more shuteye. Paige was exhausted from a party she for her 18th birthday the previous night.

Eventually Paige built enough motivation to get out of bed. She pulled her messy hair into a bun to get it out of her face. Paige walked into the shared bathroom in the hallway and wiped off her face. She headed downstairs to see her brother Echo and his husband Ben cuddling on the couch.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Echo chuckled

Paige muttered "Top of the morning." Giving a curtsy afterwards. She stood on her tippy toes to grab and coffee and poured herself a cup.

"So Alpha Terry Little and his son are coming from Canada to discuss some things about borders and training." Ben said while intertwining his fingers with Echo's.

"Alright, do I need to come since I'm Alpha's sister?" Paige said into her coffee cup.

"Nope." Echo said popping the 'P' "They're going to be saying her for a couple of days I need you to setup two guest rooms."

"Okie Dokie." She said while cleaning her coffee cup. Paige walked over to a hallway closet to grab a few supplies for the rooms.

"Alpha Leyland, we received a call from Alpha Little saying they'll be reaching out border shortly." A female pack member, Amber said.

"Thank you Amber, Ben and I will be there shortly." Echo said while pulling Ben up. They then headed outside to go to the border.

Paige walked upstairs and started to get each of the rooms ready. The rooms were tiny, at point it was an office but parents when they were still living made it into two rooms so they could have a guest room and bedroom for her.

After getting the rooms ready Paige decided to get herself ready for the day. After showering she threw on some skinny jeans and baggy shirt.

Paige started to watch some shows and Netflix. At that point she started to feel uneasy and her wolf was stirring around in the back of her head. She shrugged it off as nothing but it just got worse.

"Hey bro? Is everything okay I feel like something isn't." Paige said into a mind link.

"Uhh.. well Alpha Little's son Roman has his mate here and we are trying to clam him down." Echo told Paige

"Wow okay well good luck with that." She said then shutting the mind link off. But then she felt a ping in her head. Someone wanted to mind link her and she had no idea who. Paige tried to shut it out but it was strongly wanting in.  She pushed back harder but it just popped in.

"Hi.." The voice said.

"Hi?" She said back sounding slightly frustrated. "Who are you?" 

"Well Sugar I'm your mate Roman."

"W-What?" She instantly shut the mind link off. She was terrified yes, he could be a nice person but, she was scared to leave her family and friends. She didn't want to leave Echo and Ben.

She started to breakdown in tears and ran to her room and locked the door behind her. She grabbed her old teddy bear that she has owned since before she could remember. Paige hugged it while counting to 10 then back down. When finally calmed down completely she heard a knock on her door.

"Hey sis it's me Echo." He told her calmly "and me." Ben chimed.

"Can we come in? We got Roman to clam down but we got inside and he said she was here and I guessing you know that he is your mate." Echo said you could hear concern in his voice.

"Okay.." Paige mumbled

Once they got into her room they talked to her. Telling her it's her choice to leave with him and they'd be sad to see her go but proud she has become such a beautiful young woman. After about an hour of talking with them she decided she wanted to go down and meet him. Her wolf was going crazy and he had an intoxicating sent that sent Paige just as crazy.

Paige slowly crept down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she saw him. They just stared at each other not breaking the eye contact once. He stepped closer but she just kept starting at him.

"Wow.. Your even more beautiful than a pictured.." He said with a slight smile.

She breathed in inhaling his scent. He smelt woodsy and like it had just rained. A small smile crept on her lips. She slowly walked towards him. She held out her hand and shook his. Sparks shot up her arm. She jumped back in surprise.

"I'm going for a walk just to think things over." Paige said softly. She grabbed her jacket and walked out the door leaving Roman with a huge grin on his face.

"Wow.. she leaves me breathless.." He said sounding amazed. Roman then looked at Echo and Ben. "What flowers does she like Alpha Leyland?"

"Sunflowers and she hates roses." Echo said

Roman nodded quickly and grabbed his jacket "Thank you Alpha do you guys have a store?" Roman asked

"Yup take a left and keep walking you can't miss it and get her a green tea Arizona she loves them." Ben told him

"Yes Alpha, thank you both." Roman said while running form the house. He ran all the way down to the store.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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