Saturday came, and Sohye woke up at 11am. She called Chanyeol and Baekhyun to come over to her house, and they arrived not much later.
"I don't know what to wear!", she whined to the guys, turning back to look into her closet.
"Wear something simple, but also something that will catch his eye." Baekhyun suggested, only to earn a confused look on the younger girl's face.
"Just sit down and let me pick."
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"You look amazing sweetie, now come on, it's somehow already time to go." Sohye got up and Chanyeol was driving them to the party. She made sure to take the present before they left.
(At the Party)
They pulled up to a big house with a curved driveway. Chanyeol parked and Baekhyun helped Sohye get the present out. It was kinda heavy afterall, it is a $2,000 laptop.
She rang the doorbell at the front of the house, and seconds later it opened to see a familiar face,
"Hi Sohye, you made it."
[A/N] To be continued.... Anyways I'm getting more sick yay me jsjsjsjs but i still have to go to school.