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It was hella short.

Almost a peck.

But it happened.

It seriously happened.

Min Yoongi and Park Jimin had kissed.

And the aftermath of that kiss?

....They could only be described as messy.

Jimin froze in his spot after Yoongi's small soft pink lips left his own, as he felt a huge splash of shookness hit him, his brown eyes not being able to blink or move anywhere at all. It was like the world suddenly stopped all around him in his mind, his surroundings seeming faraway and hazy to his body.

His chocolate brown eyes could only settle to focus at Yoongi's face above him, who was equally as surprised and shook as him.

He couldn't believe it.

Did he seriously--

--just now--

--get his first kiss taken away by Min Yoongi?

Jimin's body froze even more at that realisation if it was even physically possible anymore at this point, feeling his breath getting quicker and more heavier then usual, as the urge to cry hard hit him strongly in that moment, small tears already brimming his small crescent moon shaped eyes.

It's gone....

...It's really gone...

His first kiss got taken away.

"Wh--what the f--?" Yoongi voiced out loudly out of confusion, panicking slightly when seeing the waterfall work that was beginning in Jimin's eyes. "Oh man holy shit-- J--Jimin why are you cryi--?"

"Shut up!" Loudly exclaimed out Jimin to Yoongi, who flinched at the younger's sudden shout at him. "You fucking shut up!" Cried out Jimin, his tears now getting more persistent as they flowed down his mochi cheeks, Yoongi feeling his heart break at the sight.

"You fucking roach!" Jimin shouted out in anger at the older while he repeatedly punched at his chest with his tightly clenched fists, Yoongi freezing above him while narrowing his eyes, the white haired boy not even flinching at the hard blows he was receiving from Jimin's fists. "You bitchass peace of shit!"

Another strong punch hit him.

"Idiotic mother of--!!"

Another punch.

"--fucking gross roaches--!!"

And another one.

"--that will always live in a pile of dumpster--!!"

He hit him three times before he shouted one last time--


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