Chapter 1

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I stretched up, only to sink back down on my seat once reality settled in. Outside I could see the pastures rushing by as my plane flew over them, aiming for the pathetic excuse of an airport that sat in the middle of cows, corn, wheat and more cows. We were aiming for the town of sandy, population 100, all of which attended the military my parents enrolled me in, even after my profound refusals about going.

Sighing I slunk back down in my seat and turned up my music, drowning out the piercing whale of the baby that sat behind me. As I sat there listening to stolen dance, my favorite song, I let my thoughts drift to what I was leaving behind. Throughout the past sixteen hours on the plane, I've been avoiding my thoughts the same way you would avoid a wildfire. Thinking about all my friends and my family that I left behind in Australia was almost too much to bear. As I thought about how mad my parents looked after my most recent "incident," tears started trickling down my cheeks. This was not my first incident, but it was the worst. I had finally pushed my parents past the breaking point, and the followed through with their threat of sending me to military school. Over the last three years, military school has been my biggest fear, and my parents kept hanging it over my head in order to get me to behave. It was only a matter of time before my incidents got worse and they had to follow through with their ever present threat. So naturally, after they got a call from the school telling them about one of my incidents, it was only three days before I was stuck on a plane and shipped off to Hearts and intuition vouch for everything (Haive) Academy, Nebraska.

Haive makes up all 100 people in the town of Sandy, and there's not another town for 177 miles. We are so far away from everything that once a week we get supplies flown in to the airport right next to Haive. To give you a good idea about how isolated Haive is, picture the most isolated place you've ever been. Now multiply that by ten. There, now you have an idea of how lonely I am going to be out here at Haive. I think that the main reason that my parents chose to send me here is because there's less people that have to know about me and my incidents, and because it's the cheapest academy that they could find. It's not like we don't have the money, it's more of the fact that they don't care about me enough to waste their money on some pretentious academy I would probably end up getting kicked out of anyways.

My watch told me that we only had 20 minutes left in the flight, so I decided to go over my plan. I've known that this day was coming for the past three years so I decided to make my plan for Haive when I four hundred and fourth days eventually wind up there. I have to complete two and a half years of school here, because I got kicked out of my old school in the middle of my sophomore year. I would not make any relationships whether it's friends or anything else. If I keep to myself then it won't be hard to leave this place behind when I graduate in four hundred and fourth three days. (this doesn't include weekends and summer) once I graduate I'm going back home to meet with Jacob and then we are going to move somewhere far away where no one knows us and we can start a new life. God how I miss Jacob. He's the only thing in Australia that makes me want to go back there. My love for him is infinite and will never end. I need to stop thinking about him before I get too depressed. Right the plan. No connection, graduate, get Jacob, and leave this life behind.

The plane landed violently, jolting me from my spiraling thoughts of self pity that were running through my brain. The captains monotone voice coursed through the plain telling us that were free to grab our bags and high tail it off the tiny 24 person plane. I stood up, grabbed my carry on bag and my phone, and exited the plane walking into my new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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