Hug Me

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WARNING: I wrote this late ass at night like was actually morning late ass at night.

Word count: 862
Genre: Romance

I couldn't sleep, nothing good ever happened when I couldn't sleep. I tossed and I turned and I never got any rest until I chased after whatever the hell was keeping me awake. Tonight it was him. We weren't dating but we weren't not dating either and it bugged me, I want him to be mine or I wanted to be someone else's. No, I wanted him to be mine.

"Hey, asshole." I lightly kicked the air mattress he was on "I'm cold, come hug me"

Normally I never would have said that to anyone, let alone someone who might take it the wrong way, tho I wasn't quite sure that was the wrong way

"Eh? What you want?" I had clearly woken him up

"I'm cold, come hug me"

"Like in your bed!?"

"No genius, on Mars. Yes in my bed"

"Oh!" I could hear the surprise in his voice but his concern was quickly taken over by either teenage boy instincts or being a good friend and he got up and climbed into bed with me.

I turned away from him scooted away from the edge of my bed allowing him room. Once he had lied down I curled up against his stomach allowing myself to feel the warmth that radiated off of him. He made me feel safe, and warm inside. I tried to ignore just how stiff he was laying. It was as if he had no idea what to do with his limbs.

"Ace, you can put your hands where they are comfortable, if I don't want them there I'll tell you. This isn't weird, I promise" He mumbled something that resembled ok and wrapped his arm around me. His hand came to rest so close to mine and I got the sudden and overwhelming urge to hold it. To show him affection. I stared at his hand trying as hard as I could to get the thought from my head, but I couldn't. I interlaced our fingers and they fit so perfectly, I couldn't help but feel they were meant to be there. I hear his breath hitch in confusion before swiftly returning to its usual lulling rhythm. I was comfortable, and no longer cold but I still couldn't sleep.


"Yes, Mika?" Silence, it felt like an eternity before I spoke again. I didn't know if I meant what I said or if I was just caught up in being a teenager, but the words felt right. The question felt like one I had to ask.

"Ace... Do you love me? He didn't respond for so long I worried he had fallen asleep.

"What... Whaddaya mean?" I heard something in his voice but I couldn't pin down what it was. I let go of his hand, much to the protest of my feeling and turned to him

"Ace, do you love me? Like, wanna kiss me and hold me, and love me, love me." Again he was silent as if in fear that what he was going to say next was wrong. It must have been a full five minutes before we spoke again. Choosing instead to stare at each other, in the unlit room.

"Yea, I do. I really, really do."


"Was that wrong? I don't wanna ruin our friendship, I'm sure it's just a silly crush and..."


"I'm sure you like have a girlfriend or something. And you will probably never look at me that way..."

"Ace, stop! You need to chill. I wouldn't have asked the question if I wasn't looking for the answer you gave, ok? I love you. I love you, Ace."

"You do?

"Yes, silly. I wouldn't have dragged you into bed if I didn't" I giggled, I never giggled. He was just so sweet and everything I had ever wanted and he was mine. All mine.

"Omg, Mika Shelton loves me" He breathed out his words as if afraid he would say them to loud and let them slip away.

"Mika, can I kiss you?"

"You wanna kiss me?" Even tho he had just told me he loved me, and I knew he was mine it still shocked me. The boys whose lips I had often stared at and possibly daydreamed about, wanted to kiss me.

"Well, yea, your pretty and sweet and..." I cut him off, I couldn't help myself. I had always promised myself that I would never be a cliche and here I was, kissing my childhood friend after cutting off his sentence. It wasn't like in the movies where you kiss and then can't stop kissing, at least not entirely. I pulled away almost as fast as I had kissed him, already missing his lips.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have cut you off, I couldn't help it. Your just so sweet and handsome and I never want to stop kissing you."

Then don't" He seemed to have found confidence in my boldness and sudden action.

"Was that a challenge that I heard?" I joked.

"Maybe it was" I could almost hear the smirk dancing in his lips

"You're on!" I kissed him again, this time for much, much longer.

Important to know:

1.  This story is about two boys (Mica [Mitchell] Shelton & Dylan [Ace} Cason. After I had finished it I realized it had no pronouns for the second boy so I thought I should clarify.

2. I kinda wrote this about someone I like. I am a girl and obviously, this is about to boys but it is still the ramblings of a slightly romantically confused teenage girl

3. Mica is pronounced Mee-kuh

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