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Kiya Moreson. The bane of my existence. I've hated that girl since I met her in 7th grade.

Kiya Moreson is a popular girl, always has been, always will be. Pretty, light skin, skinny, varsity cheerleader, perfect teeth, smart...blah blah blah and the list goes on. While many would call her perfect I call her particularly annoying. The thing about Kiya is you either love and admire her, or you hate her. I happen to fall within the ladder.

My hatred began in my 7th grade Spanish class. Where I happen to be the lucky person who sat behind her. While many people would've jumped at this opportunity, I was doing everything to hop away from it. After the first week of sitting behind her, I knew then I couldn't stand her. She always had something to say, even while the teacher was actually teaching. Everyday she did something to cause attention to herself, namely why I eventually started calling her an "attention whore" in my head. I hated that she craved attention so much, like damn can you let the teacher have attention on him for three seconds.

Another thing I couldn't stand about her was her "welcoming" personality. While she pretended like she was everyone's friend, she really wasn't. She would stick up for you one minute, and diss you the next. Trust me, I know.

I could contine my list of "the reasons why Kiya Moreson sucks" but I think you get the point.

I hate Kiya Moreson.

So how in the hell did I end up sleeping with her?


Should I keep going??

It's not anything major but I've had it in my notes for a while.

Give me feedback please!!

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