Chapter 2

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After a few hours, the plane landed and I hailed a cab.

"Where you headed?" He asked.

I showed him the address on the piece of scrap paper I had. "Mhm." He said. "I'm familiar with that neighborhood." He says.

I sat and twiddled my thumbs and moved my feet a bit, I get nervous a little easily. I stared out the window as we drove, Brighton was amazing. The buildings and everything just seemed... So... Together. I don't know how to put it, but it felt like home.


The driver stopped in front of a cozy looking two story house, painted a light faded blue. The door was a subtle brown while the windows were lined with white. "Thank you." I said to the driver. I paid him and took my bags inside."The movers should be here with my furniture soon..." I thought. I took a look around, at least the house didn't seem like it needed any work.

I went upstairs where my bedroom should be, I took a look inside. The bedroom was small, yet the perfect size. As I walked in I already could imagine how I wanted it arranged: My auburn wooden desk in the right corner with my computer, my purple rug in the center on the room, and my bed in front of the window next to my nightstand. There was a walk-in bathroom on the right of the bedroom.

I looked out the window, I had a view of my neighbors house. I could see though their window, I saw a boy about my age, in his twenties. He seemed like he was playing the guitar and singing... He had light brown hair, he was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and a red beanie. I couldn't see through the downstairs windows, they were too low.


The movers arrived about 30 minutes later, soon enough I had a furnished home. I started getting sleepy and headed upstairs, I sat on the end of my bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Out of nowhere, a light continuously flashes through my bedroom window. I turn around, startled, and see the boy from earlier flashing a light through his window. As soon as he sees that I notice, he gets out a notebook.

"I think he's writing something for me..." I thought. I got a notebook from my desk, I got ready to respond.

He put the notebook up to his window, I got closer to mine so I can see. It said: Hi :)

I wrote Hi on mine, and showed it. He wrote something else: I'm Patty Walters. I wrote back: I'm Maple Stone. He started writing longer this time, then crumpled it up. He started writing again and held it up: Nice to meet you, new neighbor? I respond: Yes :). My eyelids were getting heavier, moving has made me tired, also considering the different time zones. I drew a sleepy face onto the notebook and held it up, and waved goodbye. He responded: Bye :(

I turned out my light, and layed in my bed for a while, staring at the ceiling. "I guess I do have a chance at making friends." I thought. I drifted off soon after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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