Chapter 26

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EVERYBODY in this chapter...enjoy

1 year later...

Trey's POV

I'm getting sicker by the day& it's not good. I got out of bed& grabbed some water. Then my phone rang.

Trey: Hello

???: Hello Trey?

Trey: Yeah this is him

???: Can you come to the doctor's Office for your next check up tomorrow at 8am

Trey: Yeah I can do that I guess

Jacob's POV

Ah'Janae'& I have been working out pretty well. There's something going on with Roc tho he's trippin acting all jealous of me& Ah'Janae', then when I ask him about it he be like 'leave me tf alone.' Idk what's wrong with the nigga but he betta calm that shit down before I spread my peace rings over his face...spread the peace that nigga

Ah'Janae': What's wrong Jacob?

Damn this girl know me so well

Jacob: Nothin

Ah'Janae': Jacobbb

Jacob: just irritates me every time Roc here he always jealous of us.

Ah'Janae': That's because he found out his girl was cheating on him... he doesn't know how to handle being around other couples& remembering how they used to be.

Jacob: Yeah but-

Ah'Janae': No buts Jacob, you wouldn't understand unless you were in his shoes.

Jacob: You're right.

Ah'Janae': Mhm... now invite him so we can all talk.

Jacob: *Groans* ok

Ah'Janae': *Kisses him* That's my baby...maybe you can get something later. *walks away seductively*

Awww shit let me call him

Roc's POV

I found out Michaela was cheatin on me with some dude named Davario or sum shit like that. He live close to the airport& he took Michaela to Minnesota so she could meet his parents I haven't seen her since. That shit breaks my I thought we had some special shit going really? I never thought she'd stoop that low...Jacob calling me...I hate him& Ah'Janae' relationship, it remind me of how mine& Michaela's used to be.

Roc: Hello

Jacob: *trying to sound nice* Heyyy Roc, Ah'Janae' wants you to come over.... -background- Ah'Janae'? or Ah'Janae'& Jacob???? -end of background talking- I mean we want you to come over

Roc: *attitude* For what?

Jacob: To talk

Roc: *attitude* About what?


-background- JACOB -end of background talking- I mean just talk about know

Roc: Alright I'll be over there in a hour

I hung up before hearing a response. Idk why but I'm starting to feel& more depressed everyday. Anyways I got in the shower& then put on some black trues, red Nike shirt& red, white& black Jordan's.

Treysi's POV

Me& Davario are in a relationship, after meeting him we talked for about a week or two& he asked me to be his girl...duh I said yes...he doesn't know I might have HIV tho... Yeah we had sex like over 20 times but Imma tell him sooner or later...maybe later

I have a beautiful baby GIRL!!!!.Her name is Treysia Navannah Songz! I love her to death she is a completely healthy baby..YAY I was so HAPPY& no I did not have sex while I was pregnant my by is a couple months old so it was after she was born.

Davario: Baby I'm going to the Studio

Yeah he work as a upcoming rapper...he's pretty good tho

Treysi: ok baby see you later *Kisses him*

Davario: Bye my little ball of sunshine *picks up Treysia*

He treats her like she's his& I love it!

Treysia: *slobbing everywhere*

Davario: *laughing* I love you too babygirl

He put her down& left.

Davario's POV

I'm not going to the Studio first off...I'm leaving to see my other girl Michaela, I bought us a house after she met my parents& shit. She cool but she always want some shit... like this Louie bag tf nigga got money but damn. Treysi don't know I work as a drug dealer& I plan to keep it that way, but Michaela know alll about that shit...shit she deal with me but she don't like to she too scary. I pulled up to our house an hour later.

Michaela: Babyyyy *jumps on him*

Davario: *holds her ass* I see somebody missed me.

Michaela: Yesss baby I did

Davario: Well can I get in the house?

Michaela: *gets down* sorry

I walked in the house& chilled with wifey #2 for about a hour then we started having sex for 2 after that I left& went back home.

Ray's POV

Me& my Kara baby have been doing lil redbone is beautiful but she doesn't think so.

Jakara: Ugh I look horrible in this dressss

Right now we at the mall getting her a dress for her cousin's graduation

Ray: No you don't baby you look beautiful

Jakara: You just saying that so we can leave

Ray: Baby no you do look very beautiful& I wouldn't trade you for the world because... I love you

Jakara: Ray... I love you too

Ray: *Kisses her* Now I think this is the best dress on you& its my favorite color *winks*

She had on a purple flowery dress, it had blue& pink flowers on it& the dress was kind of short but flowed beautifully on her slim body.

Jakara: *laughs* You really like this one?

Ray: *holds her waist* Mhm

Jakara: ok I will get this one

I paid for her dress& we left to go home...she lives with me now

Jakara: What you want to eat?


Jakara: *laughs* ok baby

See my Kara baby understands me... don't judge us...

I'm adding another pt.2 in about 5 minutes or less....& whoever that girl that commented that my shit wasn't in order...if you read my chapter Wattpad erased some of my chapters...thank you irrelevant ass hoes

You'll know I don't usually act like this but some of these Wattpad hoes pissin me OFF& I'm on thin ice.


In Love With My Father? (Trey Songz) -EDITING- {Nae'}Where stories live. Discover now