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Parker sat in his wheelchair at a table in a small room with metal walls at the police station. In front of him sat a woman, she was short and had long ginger hair that ran down her back in loose curls. The woman stared at Parker as if she envied him even though he had never seen the woman in his entire life.

"Alright kid, listen. I just need you to answer a few questions and then we can both go home, got it?" Parker nodded gently, he felt as if he would puke if he said one word, his head was spinning and his heart was beating out of his chest. Only a few hours previously he had woken up from a coma and gotten out of the hospital with the news that he was in a terrible car accident. "What do you remember from the night of the winter formal?" Parker's whole body was shaking.

"Not much," he replied. "However, I do remember being excited to go and I remember being stressed about it for weeks." The woman looked at him, her look had softened up now and it almost looked as if she felt bad for him.

"Nothing else?" She asked. Parker shook his head, he couldn't remember going to the dance or being in a car accident at all. All of what happened seemed like a crazy dream to him. "What about Ms. Lilian Rose? What happened with her that night?" Parker's whole face turned a bright shade of red.

"L-Lily? I'm not sure what she h-has to do with this but... again, I don't remember anything," said Parker who had began chewing on his nails. The woman raised one of her eyebrows, Parker was sure that she thought he was lying but he definitely wasn't.

The ginger haired woman heaved a great sight,"I supposed nobody has told you yet," said the woman looking down at her feet, she seemed sad. Parker leaned forward in his wheelchair.

"What haven't they told me?" he asked, the anticipation killing him.

"Ms. Rose was also in the accident... and she didn't survive," Parker jumped out of his wheel chair and immediately stumbled to the ground weakly. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest faster then it ever has before.

"S-she..." Parker choked back his tears, he stared into the woman's bright green eyes.

"She's gone Parker."


Hey everyone!

This is just a quick announcement before the story starts to get interesting! So this chapter was published originally but I got rid of it because I felt like it was lacking a lot. If you didn't see the other chapter then you may not know that this book will be different then other books I've written. The first three "chapters" (including this one) will not be official chapters but after this chapter is when the real story starts...

That's really it so i'll see you guys then! Bye!

-Astral Plane_

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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