Chapter 1: Lockwood Estate

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     Alice Lockwood giggled as her little sister imitated a T-Rex stalking its prey, She watched as Maisie snarled and growled,

  "And then it would ambush its prey from through the trees! Grasping the Hadrosaur in it's jaws!" Her older sister laughed as Maisie took her stuffed monkey and shook it around, in her mouth, like a dog.

    "Oh, Maisie! You're going to ruin your monkey!" Alice screeched. Maisie dropped the monkey and rolled her eyes.

  "It's fine, that thing's been through the Cretaceous and back! Hasn't even broken a stitch." She then crossed her arms and nodded her head defiantly as Alice stood up from her rocking chair. Just as Alice was about to reply, there was muffled talking heard from downstairs. The sisters looked at each other for a moment before quietly racing out of the door.

    "There is something Mr. Lockwood would, very much, like you to do, Claire." Eli Mills could be heard talking to a woman who seemed fascinated by the collection of dinosaur artifacts the Lockwoods possessed. The girls crept closer to the handrail as Eli kept talking. "You can call it a favor for an old friend." Alice reached the railing first, as the two adults talked about a plan to save the endangered animals on Isla Nublar.

  "No, Ms. Dearing. I'm going to save us. We could all use a touch of redemption, couldn't we?" Mr. Benjamin Lockwood appeared in the room, wheeling himself over to the red headed  woman and shaking her hand. "This was all Hammond's dream. To let these creatures live in peace." Lockwood moved so that he was beside the model of an island. "So we built a sanctuary. No fences, no cages, no tourists. Just as Mother Nature intended." The woman slowly turned and looked up to see two girls standing over the rail. Maisie let out a small gasp upon being discovered and fled. Alice, being the more calm of the two, simply put her finger to her lips. She wanted to silently tell the woman not to give her away. "Hammond said it best: 'These creatures don't need our protection, they need our absence'." The woman's focus was called back to the two men. She nodded solemnly and gave a slight smile. Lockwood looked down toward his feet, thoughtfully caressing the amber cane he had with him. "When we were young, we both shared this passion, John and I. What fools we were, trying to run before we could walk, as all young men do. I suppose. But we learned. Unfortunately, in the end, it drove us apart." A small sound was heard in the hallway above, making the woman look back toward where the two children were, only to see no one there. "Life teaches us some very hard lessons, doesn't it Claire?" Lockwood had grabbed Claire's attention and her hands, persuading her to look directly at him.


    I walked back to the library at a slow pace. Wondering When Eli would have the dinosaurs off the island and into the sanctuary. I arrived at the library's door and swung it open letting my eyes land on Maisie, who was sitting in my chair.

  "Sorry I ran away. I didn't really know what she'd do." She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

    "It doesn't matter. What does matter is that the dinosaurs are gonna live!" I said, doing a small happy dance. Maisie and I both giggled as we started to discuss whether or not we should start our safari in the Cretaceous or the Jurassic. I vote for Jurassic.

  "Alice!" I hear my name being called from downstairs and immediately let out a groan. Iris was calling for me to start my lessons. They weren't the normal 'school' lessons, but lessons for me to learn how to take care of the Lockwood company. Since my grandfather is ill and I am the eldest heir, I have to work hard to maintain the business, once my grandfather's gone. Of course, my grandfather says, Eli will be there to help and advise me. "Alice! Eli is waiting!" Iris' shrill call pulled me out of my trance and back into my discontent.

    "I'll see you later, Maisie." I ruffled my sister's hair as I walked past her and Into the hallway. I walked quickly, as to not anger anyone by being later than I already am. I bump into Iris on the way to Eli's office, but she seemed to be in a hurry. I arrived at Eli's office and knocked on the door.

  "Come in." A faint voice said from the other side of the wooden door. I opened and skipped through the door,

    "I'm ready for my lessons! What are we doing today?" I put my best smile on and rocked back and forth on my heels.

  "We will be talking about finances." Eli wasn't looking at me, but rather at his tablet-table, with a concentrated look. My smile fell, I was in for a terrible time.

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