When You Love Someone

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"Jae I love you!"
"See Y/N how hard was that? Now to say it to Jae....or maybe I should practice a bit more.." you said to yourself as you looked in the mirror practicing how you'd confess to your best friend of 10 years and secret crush, Jae. "God why am I stressing out so much over this??? It's freaking Jae! We've known each other since we were in middle school.."
Jae was working his shift at the music store just like every other afternoon. You loved hanging out with him and watching him in action. It was cute seeing his eyes light up every time a new guitar (or any new stuff) came in. Music was his passion, it always had been ever since you guys were kids and he picked up a guitar for the first time. But today was different, today was the day you were gonna confess to him. Why today? Well because it was the day you and Jae finally graduated college. As you were about to go back to practicing how you'd confess to Jae, he called you.
"He-hello?" You answered the phone. "Hey Y/N, everything alright?" Jae asked suspicious of your tone. "Yea everything's fine. So what's up?" You asked trying to change the subject. "Umm Y/N it's 4:30 my shift ended. Where are you?" Jae questioned. Oh shit- you'd completely lost track of the time and forgot that you'd promised Jae you'd pick him up after his shift. "It is? It is! Oh my god...Jae I'm so so sorry. I'm leaving now!" You pleaded as you scrambled to get your stuff together. "It's fine Dory..." he hung up before you could scold him for calling you that. "Dory", you hated that nickname he gave you, but you knew you deserved it, you were pretty forgetful. 

As you pulled up to the front of the music store you saw Jae standing there with his headphones in per usual. This kid... "Jae!" You called out as you rolled down your window, but he didn't hear you so you decided to honk the horn on your car to get his attention. *HONK* Jae jumped from the sudden loud noise and looked around to find the source. When he realized it was you he gave you a death glare as you laughed at his jumpiness. "Awe Jae I'm sorry did I scare you?" You play mocked him. Jae just rolled his eyes in response as he got in the passenger side. "Whatever Dory..." He retorted. "Yah! Don't call me that!" You shouted as you hit his shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder and looked over at you, "Yeesh, now you're sounding like my mom.." He responded. 'Anywho... are you free tonight?" He asked you with a hopeful look in his eyes. You blushed a little from his sudden cuteness. "Y-Yea why?" you asked. "Because I have good news and I want you there when I announce it to everyone." He cheered. "Then I'll be there." You responded.

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