Chapter 9 Flashback to the past

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I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating, only to find a shirtless Changkyun next to me.
He was peacefully sleeping and snuggled up in my blanket. I stood up to get some water as my throat felt like a desert. Just as I wanted to leave the room I heard a phone buzzing. I sneaked back to the bed to get it. I took my phone but it wasn't mine that was buzzing, it was Changkyuns. I took it and turned it around. But what I saw confused me. I almost dropped the phone when I read the name. Jooheon was written on the display. Why is he calling him? And why in the middle of the night?

Changkyun and I made our way to university the next morning. We didn't talk about last night much. We both knew that we wouldn't agree with each other. He'll never accept the fact that I like Jooheon and that he was a different person around me. Just like I couldn't accept him begging me to stay away for my 'own good'. Also I didn't asked about the phone call. Although I was dying to know. What is Changkyun keeping from me?
When we arrived at Kyoto he took my hand. "Is everything okay between us?" He asked me and looked into my eyes. "Yes sure! I love you! We're best friends Kyuni." I said as I hugged him tight. I was hoping he would also notice that he could trust me and tell me what the heck was going on. But he didn't.

Students running to their next classes while Changkyun and I walked relaxed on campus.
Secretly I looked out for Jooheon but again he was nowhere to be seen. A bit disappointed I sat down on a bench. "Changkyun?" I said as he sat next to me. "What were you doing at the restaurant last night?" I asked cause I've been thinking about it. Did he follow us or was he there by coincidence?
"I...I was there to eat." He started. "But then I saw you and...heard what I heard." He said but didn't looked at me. I sighed. "Why? Do you think I followed you?" He asked. I scratched my head. "Well I...yeah I mean since when are you going to a restaurant all by yourself?" Something about the way he didn't looked at me and the way he talked seemed weird to me. I wonderedif it got anything to do with the call yesterday. "I didn't follow you!" He now sounded nervous playing with his fingers. Awkward silence filled the moment. I thought about if I should just ask him about the phone call. But besides that it was actually none of my business. Changkyun suddenly laid his arm around me and pulled me closer. Just as I wanted to complain I saw a form moving towards us. It was Jooheon. I awkwardly tried to free myself but faild. "We need to talk!" Jooheon said. "Uhm...alright sure." I said and tried to free myself again. Just as I wanted to stand up, Jooheon shook his head. "Not you. You!" He pointed at Changkyun with his finger. My eyes widened as I looked between them. Changkyun stood up and they walked away from me. Leaving me with a big fat question mark on my face. Run! Follow them! My thoughts shouted at me. Should I? No! That's ridiculous! I sat down again watching them moving away, entering the building. Why did he wanted to talk to him? Are they fighting again? Please no fight. First the call, now this? What's going on?! My head was filled with questions I had no answer to. And as hard as I tried to find one, I couldn't unless I'll go and find out. I stood up and walked into the direction they went. Curse me for being so curious! I entered the building and looked for them. I saw them sitting in the almost empty cafeteria. Jooheon leaned against the wall and Changkyun sat at a table Lucky me they were talking close to the door. I hide behind it and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Tell me the truh" Jooheon
"It is the truth!" Changkyun
"No it's not! You think I'm stupid?" Jooheon
"Accept the facts. It's over." Changkyun
"Facts? You think this stupid picture is a fact?!" Jooheon
"It's proof! What else do you want?" Changkyun
"I know you're lying. I can see it by the way you're trying so hard to convince me. You've never been a good liar Changkyun." Jooheon

"What the hell are they talking about?!" I whispered to myself.
"Hey Yuri what are you doing here!" Sona said way to loud. My eyes widened and I immediately shushed her. "Shut up! What on earth!" I whisper yelled at her. She lifted her hands in defense. "Who were you eavesdropping on?" She now whispered. It was Jooheon who first appeared in the hallway where Sona and I were standing. "Yuri?" He crossed his arms and lifted his eyebrows. Changkyun joined us and looked confused. "What's going on here? Yuri? What are you doing here?" I scratched my head, all eyes on me, waiting for my explanation. "I...uhm..." My eyes met Sonas, she had absolutely no clue what was going on. "Sona! She...uhm she texted me to get her a sandwich. She was hungry." I awfully lied. "I did?" Sona asked and looked at me. I slapped her arm. "Yes you did!" I said through my teeth and looked at her. "Oh ehm yeah I'm so hungry. Thanks Yuri." she said with the worst acting skills ever. I could see in Jooheons eyes he didn't believe a word I said and I couldn't blame him. "Jeez Sona you're so lazy." Changkyun said and smiled at us. "You believe us? I mean..yeah haha you know me." Sona continued and all I wanted to do was disappear in this moment. Jooheon looked at Changkyun with disbelieve. "Wow you're really as stupid as you look." He shook his head and walked away. He stopped next to me and leaned close to my ear. "This isn't over yet baby. I'll see you later." He whispered and left.
"Would anyone explain to me what the heck is going on?!" Sona asked waving her arms in the air. "Changkyun?" I asked cause he was the one who had some explaining to do. "Nothing! Everything is fine." He lied and left. "What the hell?!" Sona asked. "I gotta go." I said and ran after Changkyun. If he really thought he could just walk off like that he was wrong. I catch up with him and grabbed his arm. "Enough of the running away. Call me an annoying bitch but I wanna know right now what's going on. What's the deal with you and Jooheon?! Why did he call you last night? Yes I know about the call I was awake. And what did you talk about just now! What picture?! Speak!" I shot at him. His eyes widened probably of surprise that I knew about all those things. "First of all...Breathe!" He said and took a deep breath. "Fine...I'll tell you everything. He looked at both sides of the the hallway. Only a few students standing in front of their classroom waiting for it to start. Also Jooheon stood in the hallway with his friends, his gang. His eyes met mine for a moment. Before I could do anything Changkyun suddenly pulled me at my arm into an empty classroom. Jooheon looked after us and he didn't looked really happy.

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