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I was happily stuffing my mouth with food as the others were chatting about god knows what. Right now the whole crew except for Jungkook and his manager were eating in the private room of L'Abattoir. The photographer decided that we should celebrate that the Photoshoot wrapped up successfully. Since I'm not familiar with anyone except for Hobi hyung, who was too busy chatting with the other workers I just stuffed my mouth with food. I would talk once in a while when a question was directed toward me but it would end right away since I'm a very awkward person. Suddenly the door behind me was opened but I just ignored it until i heard a voice that I knew very well.

"Excuse me for being late but there was some traffic on the way here." Jungkook said. I didn't even had to turn around to know that he was bowing while smiling he smile that could swoon millions of girls.

"Ah, it's okay Jungkook-ssi, take a seat." I heard one of the workers say but I just continued stuffing myself. That is until the chair beside me was pulled back and someone slipped on to it. I could tell who it was just by the familiar vanilla and musky fragrance. I stopped eating and tried to subtlety move farther away from the person but my chair wouldn't seem to move. I looked down and my eyes widened as I saw one of Jungkook's legs stopping my chair leg from moving under the table. I looked up and glared at him for a split second as he was talking to the others before using my own legs and kicked his leg away. He visibly winced and retreated his leg, soothing the pain by rubbing the area I kicked. I took the opportunity to move my chair but before I could fully move, Jungkook's legs pulled my chair leg again and caught me off guard. This caused me to loose my balance along with the chair and fall over. As I was falling a hand reached out and tried to stop me from falling but ended up getting pulled too along with me. I grunted as my back hit the floor but then I felt another weight on top of me and looked up. I choked on air as Jungkook's face was inches away from my face. He had a unreadable expression on his face as he stared down at me, making me feel nervous and shrink. Many thoughts were running through my head but my brain couldn't seem to process anything at the moment.

"Oh my god, TaeTae are you okay?" I heard Hobi hyung shriek and snapped me out of my thoughts. I immediately pushed Jungkook away and stood up.

"Sorry, I'm just going to use the restroom real quick." I hurriedly said with a cherry red face and bowed for a few times before racing out of the private room. I was in such a hurry I didn't know I slammed the door when I was closing it, which frightened the other customers outside causing some glares shot at me and some chuckles. My face darkened a shade if that's even possible as I rushed to the restroom.

I slammed the door of the cubicle and pushed my back against it while breathing heavily. My heart was beating so fast and loud I swear the people outside could hear. I placed my hand on my heart and took some deep breaths to calm down. I was so busy trying to calm down I couldn't hear the restroom door open and someone entering.

"Tae?" I heard a familiar soft voice ask. I wanted to reply but I didn't know how to face him after that incident, so I just stayed silent and waited for him to leave.

"Tae, I know you're there, I can see your custom-made gucci sneakers." Jungkook said. Dang it, why do you have to fail me at these times gucci.

"Sorry sir, I'm afraid this Tae you speak of must have got bored of these shoes and sold them on eBay, I was lucky enough to purchase it." I said and immediately facepalmed myself. Really Tae? Jungkook's not a fricking idiot.

"Oh, really? The Tae that's a crazy gucci lover, who thought those were the most precious things in the world and wouldn't wear it for 2 years because he didn't want to ruin it, sold them on eBay? Makes sense." I heard jungkook sarcastically say along with a few chuckles.

I huffed in exhaustion before giving up and just replying.

"Okay, fine, you win, what do you want?" I said while being completely tired and done with living.

I heard jungkook chuckle a few more times before replying.

"Can you please come out of the cubicle first? It's kinda awkward talking to a door, you know." Jungkook said.

I debated whether to open it or not but my body was already opening the lock without even thinking.

"Okay, now what do you want?" I said as I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to one leg.

"I just want to apologize and become friends." Jungkook said with his bunny smile.

"I don't think that's needed, I already forgave you, the past is the past. I don't care anymore and I don't think we should be friends. Since we're finished the shoot already, we won't be seeing each other anymore after tonight and we're both busy with out careers." I said coldly. I know I'm just making up useless excuses now but I really don't care anymore. I just want to go home and cuddle yeontan.

"But no matter how busy I am I can always make time for friends and I know you still have a grudge against me but I believe-"

"No I don't think-"

"NO, TAE LISTEN AND STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" Jungkook said ,raising his voice.

"I'm really sorry for what I did to you, I was really young and didn't know better. I was being super selfish and only thinking of myself , I truly regret it. You're such a beautiful and kind person and you didn't deserve that, you don't have to forgive me but can we please start over? Let's just try to be friends." Jungkook said with a sincere face and voice.

"Like I said, the past is the past and I already forgave you but I think asking to start over and become friends is crossing the line and asking for too much. Please understand that" I said calmly but still with sincerity. I made my way to the door right after I finished speaking but before I could go

"But if you already forgave me then you would give us a chance to be friends. It's obvious you still have a grudge against me. I'm trying to prove to you that I'm sorry and I deserve your trust again but you aren't even giving me a chance. I just simply want to make up for my mistakes-"

I didn't let him finish before storming out of the restroom and heading back to the private room. Questions are dominating my mind as I felt a migraine start again.

Am I being too harsh? But he deserves it, why do I feel so guilty though?

Should I just accept his friend request? He seemed so sincere, ughhhhh

My thoughts were all jumbled up as I heaved an angry sigh and entered the private room again.


I hoped you enjoy this chapter. Should I make jungkook suffer more or should I make Taehyung accept him immediately?

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