the plan

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*at rainbow dash's cloud home*

It was the day after the best young flyers competition where she had won and had been awarded an entire day with her idols! The wonderbolts! She had been so excited to meet them and even now she couldn't stop thinking about all of them! But there was one colt in particular that she just could mot get out if her mind. Soarin with his emerald green eyes that sparkled in the..."WOAH WAIT A SECOND" she thought, "i am NOT going to turn into a sappy love pony i don't know! What am i thinking? I need to focus on my training so i can get into the wonderbolts not date a wonderbolt!" she shook her head and said "maybe a fly will get my mind of all this!" little did rainbow know that there was a particular pink pony watching her already making plans to go to twilight's to get a spell.

*at the wonderbolt HQ*

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!"Soarin screamed and fell out of his bed, he opened his eyes and saw a Pegasus mare looking down at him. "What in equestria was that for Surprise?!?" he said the white mare replied "oh I just came to tell you that spitfire gave you the day of so you could go to ponyvill and get some of those famous pies!" soarin's eyes lit up "really?" he said "well that's unusual for spit" Surprise rolled her eyes and said "are you going or not?" soarin got up took a deep breath and said "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" Surprise flattened her ears and stepped back while soarin continued "I WOULD LOVE TO GET A BREAK AND EAT A PIE!!!!! I might even get to see the rainbow maned mare i can't stop think......uh oh" soarin closed his mouth immediately as he realized what he had said. surprise just smiled and said "well then you better get ready!" and left his room. As soon as surprise closed his door she raced down the hall into an office and said "ok he's going to ponyvill. And you were soooooooooo right spit! He's totally fallen for that rainbow maned mare! I think her name was rainbow dash....." spitfire replied with a squeal unlike her usual self and said "good. Soarin was really distracted yesterday after we met with rainbow... He seemed almost in a trance. It was kind of creepy." surprise laughed "no kidding." she said "I saw him walk right into one of the chef ponies carrying pasta and just got right back up covered in pasta and kept walking!"the two mares started laughing and couldn't stop. Then there was a knock on the office door "come in" spitfire called and the pony came in, it was an earth pony with crazy pink hair. She introduced herself as pinkie pie "how did you get in here?!?" said spitfire "ummmmmmmmm soarin let me in??? Its not like i used a spell or anything cause i don't have a horn! Heh heh..." pinkie said "but that's not important!! Whats important is why we have gathered here today." surprise looked confused "but we didn't gather here..." pinkie became sort of impatient "that's not important!!! let me just get to the point soarin likey rainbow, rainbow likey soarin. We get them together we all live happily ever after and PARTY ALL DAY LONG! YAY!" spitfire and surprise sat there just staring at pinkie pie who was smiling very widely. It was surprise who finally broke the silence "well thats a great plan can i just have a sec to talk with spitfire alone please?" pinkie nodded and left the room closing the door behind her. "what do you think spit? Should we go with it?" surprise said "well... I don't see why not..." replied spitfire "YAY" yelled a voice from outside "pinkie have you been listening this whole time?" said spitfire "that's not important!!!" muffled sounding pinkie pie answered.

*AN* Hello there everyone this is my very first book/writing piece here and i probably sounded just like everyone else. That's why i need some advice on how to make this better if i continue and if i should continue. (BTW i wont be offended if you say it sucks) oh and dedicated to gemstone9 for being my very first follower :)

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