A failed confession

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A/N: hi everypony im going to start doing pov (point of veiw) for my chapters because nopony in my stories stay in one place for any of the chapters, well so far...

*Soarins POV*

"Rainbow dash i asked if there was anywhere private we could talk, i didint ask for a DEATH TRAP!!!" rainbow rolled her eyes at me "well you never told me EXACTLY what type of a setting you wanted to talk in. plus this is a private place! Noponys going to bother us here!!!" "well" soarin thought to himself, "thats about the only plus there is about this place, its not exactly the ideal place to tell her though...." as soarin got lost in his thoughts he didnt notice rainbow speed up and shoot into the forest then there was a loud sound somewhat like a bang that snapped him out of his thoughts "hey rainbo- rainbow????? RAINBOW!!!!!!" when she didn't answer he started to get worried and decided to go into the forest before he lost his nerve as he got farther and farther into the forest he started hearing noises that sounded like hooves following him He started to run but the hooves kept up with him and seemed to be getting closer as he ran. Then suddenly there was silence. He called out to rainbow hoping that this was just another one of her pranks but neared nothing but his own echo. Little did he know there were other ponies following him like a shadow.

*Rainbows POV*

"Geez even when it was my first time in the everfree forest I wasn't that scared! Fine I had twilight, rarity, applejack, pinkie and fluttershy and well I'm awesome, but still! He has me with him.....hey I wonder what it would be like if I really was with him...." rainbow thought then she heard soarin say something but she only caught the last few words "I didn't ask for a DEATH TRAP!!!" and she rolled her eyes at him then as if she was in a trance she said something to him but she couldn't quite make out what she was saying. Then she started to fly straight into the forest she didn't know where she was going but at the same time she knew how she was going to get there. Then all of a sudden she slammed into something creating a loud bang shaking her out of her thoughts the she thought she heard someone calling her name but she didn't call back just in case she was hearing things. Then she had a brilliant idea, it was almost as if slamming into something gave her ideas! She got up and started to fly back to soarin but as she got nearer she made sure he couldn't see her then she landed close to him but behind some trees so he could not see her and started to match his pace. As she followed him she could see that he was starting to get scared but then just as she was about to jump in front of him something grabbed her and put her in some sort of box so quickly that she forgot to scream and when she did scream a voice that sounded like somepony she knew but she couldnt put her hoof on it said "it's no use! We're miles away from anywhere" "miles away?" rainbow thought "but only one group of ponies can go that fast...."

A/N: hi every pony I am sooooooooooo sorry for the really long wait but I'm going to try to update faster from now on my new goal is to finish this book.oh and I know my chapters are really short so I'll do my best to try and make them longer I just hope that you guys like it so far and I think this is my favorite chapter so far. Well at least the ending ;)

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