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Cosmic's POV

I am here sitting in my science class. It's kinda boring in here. By the way, I'm Cosmic, low-class girl but I'm trying to reach the top. I'm a nobody here in the campus but when it comes to contests, academic contests to be specific, I am one of the bests.

"During 1980, American physicist Alan Guth proposed a model of the universe. It was based on the Big Bang Theory proposed by a Roman Catholic priest Georges Henri Joseph Edouard Lemaitre." our science teacher said.

"Guth formulated Inflationary Universe in order to solve the horizon and flatness of the standard Big Bang model." she added.

I raised my hand as I heard Inflationary Universe. "Miss, isn't Multiverse based on the theory of the Inflationary Universe?" I asked in excitement.

"Yes, Cosmic!" she agreed on me. "Multiverse. Class, imagine this one. You entered your classroom and you saw your bestfriend, you went to the comfort room, and also see him or her there. You went in the cafeteria and he or she is there also."  she said with a smile on her face.

"Miss isn't it creepy? It's like a doppelgänger." one of my classmates commented. "To be honest class, there is a scientific explanation on that one." she smiled victiriously.

"Quantum physics is the explanation. Quantum physisc is connected with the multiverse theory. There are 5 studies on the multiverse theory: infinite, bubble, daughter, mathematical, and the most famous parallel universe." She said.

"Well, it's just a theory means there is no proof. If you ever encountered such event, then have that strong faith of yours." she added.

The bell rang and we all stood up and left the class.

I am walking through the hallway to go to the comfort room before I go to my next class.

As I reached the comfort room, I heard a noise coming from the cubicle, it's like a broken electrical circuit or something. "Hello? Is anyone in there?" I asked nervously.

The door slightly opened and I saw a girl. A girl who looked exactly like me but she looks a little bit older than me. She has this beautiful green hair which I think was dyed.

She looked at me in shocked. "Are you Cosmic?" she asked me. "Yes, I am. Who are you? Do I know you?" i asked back. "I'm Astrid, I'm you from the other universe."

Astrid smiled at me and my sight slowly turned black.


I woke up inside the infirmary. I switched to my side and saw Astrid looking worriedly at me.

"Are you alright?" she asked me. "I'm fine but can you explain this whole thing to me, it's very confusing." I asked curiously.

"Not until we get out in this place." she said and dragged me out of the infirmary. She dragged me until the woods near my school.

I panted because of I'm out of breath. "So yeah, what is it?" I asked still catching up my breath.

"The portals were opened to every universe paralleled to this universe. The only way to keep it open and not lock all those people who accessed through the portals is this..." she handed me a remote control-like thing.

"But it's broken..." I commented. "That's why I am finding you because only you can fix that. If its cannot be fixed, all the portals will be closed before the next sunrise. I need it to be fixed or else, we are going to be stucked in your universe that can cause a lot of problems." she sighed.

"Like what problems?" I asked. "Buildings will fall down, lot of calamities, killings, and many more. I'm sure you don't want that." she said.

"By the way, I didn't formally introduced to you. I'm Astrid Phoenix. I came from Universe Technologia. We deal with an advanced technology. My family is very famous in our universe because we provided a lot of technologies. Here I am, trying our newly developed technology, accessing other universes. Logically, it failed." she explained.

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