Chapter 1

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Kongpob suthiluck belong to rich family. He has 3 elder sister. His father was a businessman so is his mother they both are always working. Though they were busy all the time they made sure that they spend quality time with their son and daughters. Kongpob was most cherished person in their family. He is smart, kind and handsome.  He is someone every girl will die to have as their boyfriend.

Oon was from well educated family. His grandmother brought him up. He lost his family even before he can walk. His grandmother was too old to do anything. He just wanted one thing in his life. Love.he wanted to feel what being loved feels like. He never felt how it is to be loved. His grandmother became bedridden when he was 10 years old and his family bank balance helped them to feed their mouth. Even when his grandmother was well he didn't feel the warmth of her love because she blames him for the loss of her daughter. Oon was grateful for his grandmother but he want love.

Oon is a shy person and he never talks what is in his heart. He keeps accumulating all his fear, sadness and longing to the extend he falls sick because of that. Oon had everything in his life. He was cute, his skin was in the colour of milk. He has cute dimple on his cheek when he smiles. He is handsome but he was lonely and cold inside. To hide his lonely self he talks a lot and he pretend to be naughty but all he need was love. He just lacks the warmth that his name carries

Kong and oon was in same college and same department but different year. Kong was oon senior. Their first meets was during the freshers party.

Oon first day of college  went as he planned. He managed to gather some friends from his as well as from other department Phana from medical department because they both met when they were searching for the way of their dorm and other was Bright who was as Bright as his name.

Kong was with his friend Aim and Tew as always rejecting girl after girl.

"Oie Kong how many girls you will reject? This girl was really hot compared to any other girl who proposed you." Tew asked.

"It's not about how good our mate looks Tew it's about the spark. I don't get the spark yet when I get it i will sure hold on that person" Kong replied to his nosy friend.

"Yaya spark.. will see whom you will fall for" well his friends started to tease him as always and of course they are his friends.

It was then he met him. A pale man with cute dimple on his cheeks when he smiled and a crazy guy who was jumping up and down along with him and of course they are freshers. When Kong mind gathered this detail his face lightened up. He can talk with him during freshers party. Who knows He might have find his love or he may have already found him but just need confirmation.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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