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Hi! How awesome that you decided to read Dinner with God. In case you ended up straight on this page and didn't read any of the other pages, here's some background: Dinner with God is a novel I wrote for my father. A novel in which I send my parents on one last adventure together, to give them a chance to say goodbye, the way life didn't allow them to. The book doesn't tell the story as it went down, it tells the story the way I would have liked it to be.

As you start reading, you may notice that there's only a limited number of chapters. That's correct, you are reading it as I am translating it. In 2011 I started writing Dinner with God, but needed some sort of natural deadline. So I decided to try an experiment: allow people to read it as I wrote. An interesting challenge, because it meant that I couldn't go back in the story and change things. Due to this I was forced to fix little mistakes, and that led to amazing story developments that I would never have come up with otherwise. It truly was a rewaring adventure, especially thanks to all the comments and feedback I received during and after the writing process.

After I finished the English draft, I was given the opportunity to publish the book in the Netherlands, titled Dancing with Memories (Dansen met Herinneringen). I translated it to Dutch and may rewrites follows. As a result, the Dutch novel now differs greatly from the American one, meaning that it is time to reboot the project. This time I won't be writing the novel, but I'll be translating it, and you can read the chapters as I go along. I hope you'll have a great time reading Dinner with God.and, just like last time, feel free to e-mail me any comments, remarks, feedback, complaints, mistakes, whatever you like. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my novel.

If you'd like to read more about this project, please visit


Martin Gijzemijter

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