Chapter II

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I never seen these people without hoodies on.
"Vexen!Come here!"He yells.Then,a man with long whitish hair walks up."Whats wrong Xigbar?!Did you not catch it?!"
"It wasn't a Heartless,it was a stupid Dusk!"
"Oh well,your loss."
They start to argue.

I move slowly,Those people killed that thing like nothing,what could they do to me?!My breathing rags as I take a step onto the floor.
And to my luck,The box collapses completely.

My heart skips ten beats.I look up,and the men look directly at me.My grip on the fork tightens.
"Umm,Hello,remember me?Im (Y/N)...the girl at the store?"
They don't reply.
"Umm,welp,imma go now."
I start to see there face expression change.

Oh god.
"Umm...please don't hurt me!Im not a...Dawn?Im a normal,human being,like you guys."
I turn to sprint full speed.
I hear one of them scream,"GET HER!!!Don't let her get away!"

I scream,"Go away!"
I see arrows zoom past me,and my shouts get louder,"HELP ME!!!"
"Boy,What are you doing?!Don't kill her!"
"She knows who we are now!"
"But you don't have to kill her!"

I take a right turn and find a dark alley way.
I take deep breaths,and pray that they don't find me.Then,a hand covers my mouth.
"Stop screaming!You are so loud!"My eyes turn and see a tall male with red hair."Oh,I'm Axel,Got it Memorized?"

Tears start falling down my face."Aww,don't cry,I need to take you to a place real fast.Will that be a problem?"
I nod my head no.
"Great,How about you go nighty night for me?"
Then,he smacks me,and my vision goes black.

What's going on?!Were am I!?
I open my eyes and see a iron grey floor,which I'm laying on.Surprisingly,it's quite comfortable.

Suddenly,I hear a strong voice,
"You are telling me this woman saw you guys defeat a Dusk?"
"Yes,and we took her here."
"You guys are such nuisances..."
I look up slightly and see a GIANT thrown,actually...MANY GIANT THROWNS.

"She's awake!"
I sit up to greet many people who wore black coats.
I skim my eyes around and look up at the highest thrown.The boss.He had long silver hair,gorgeous orange eyes,and the perfect voice.

"Hey!I know you...sort of!"I take out the Munny bag from my pocket."This belongs to you!"
His eyes widen slightly,"How do you know that it is mine?"
"Y-your has a lovely color to it...and I found one in the bag..."

I hear a loud laugh and turn towards a youngish teenager.I recognized his voice,he came to the store once,with a list of things.
He starts to say,"HAHA!!!She is right,you do have L O V E L Y hair!"
No one laughs,yet I hear a snicker from the lowest chair.

He glares at the teen,"Demyx,I did not allow you to speak."
He swallows,"S-Sorry Xemnas."
Xemnas...That's really nice.
Xemnas turns back to me,"She will stay inside the castle until we know what to do with her."

"WHAT?!SHE IS NO USE TO US!Why don't we kill her?"Xigbar shouts.
"SILENCE!"Xemnas is clearly unhappy,"I have lived for a very long time,and to kill a lady that has done nothing to us is wrong."

Aww,that's actually a little sweet.
"Umm...Were is the guy with the blue hair?"
Axel burst into laughter,"Blue hair?You mean Saïx?!"He laughs so much he starts to choke,"He is right there!"He points behind me and I turn.Saïx was obviously unamused by Axels outburst.

"Yes,I am Saïx.What is it you ask?"
"Oh were the one who gave me the bag.You ordered some thuderagas and curagas."
They start whispering to each other.
"Yes,I ordered those.Only to clear my mission,which I have passed."

Xemnas smiles,"So,you are the one leading the stores we usually buy from...I thank you."
I feel myself blush,"No p-problem."
"Ok,give her the guest room,she will stay in there until further notice."
A young girl with black hair takes my hand,"Hello..."
"Oh,that's a nice name,I'm Xion.I will take you to your room now."
"Thank you,Xion."

She leads me down a long hallway,and we reach a door with the number Zero engraved on it."This is your new room!I hope you enjoy,(Y/N)!"
I say thank you and open the door.It had a nice shelf,bed,and a small bench...but no window.
Maybe if I had a window,I would know were I am in Twilight Town and find my way out...but I'm starting to get comfortable to this place.

I think of the leader,Xemnas.He said this place is a castle...maybe,this is just a Dream,I don't belong in a castle.
I touch the bed,feels better than my bed at home.This castle place only has one problem...the coloring.Everything is white,it's quite pail and depressing.

I examine the room,but then the door opens,and Xemnas stood at the opening.
"Oh!Sorry for entering without knocking..."
"It's fine!Besides,this is your castle,you deserve to be anywhere you want to."
I sit on the bed and allow him to sit by me.

"You must have came for a reason,can you tell me?"
He looks at me with his deep amber eyes.
"I wanted to make sure you were comfortable...You called my hair lovely...thank you...I hadn't had a complement in a very,very long time."
He came because he wanted to thank me?
I smile,"It comes natural to me to complement somebody,and who WOULDN'T complement you?"

He frowns,"A lot of people."
"Wow...I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be,oh,dinner is at ten,I will send someone to help you get to the dining room."
And like that,he leaves out of the room.

Love that Never Was (Xemnas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now