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Lenny hastily scooped his daughter in his arms, grabbed his pistol off of the counter, and sprinted to the car. They were starting to surround them. Haley was running behind them, in her arms was Darcy barking at the figures stumbling towards them. He tossed his daughter into the car and sped off into the night. Jodie awoke with a start.

"Daddy, where are we going?"

"Honey there's something bad happening. We need to get out of here." But Lenny was just as lost as Jodie was. Lenny drove for a few minutes, speeding past the infected when Haley screamed.

"Dad look out!" But the other car had already collided with theirs. Lenny's vision was hazy. He could hear people screaming and the growling of infected.

"Hayley. Jodie!" He called out. He heard a groan and a whimper in response. Lenny looked around him and found his window was smashed. He climbed out of the destroyed car and frantically looked for his daughters. Jodie was looking for a way to get out while Haley remained motionless.

"Jodie! Grab my hand!" Lenny reached towards her and grabbed her hand. He pulled her out of the car. Jodie scooped up Darcy as she limped out of the smashed car window.

"Haley!" Lenny shouted into the car.

"Dad! I think I can get out!" Haley was stuck halfway out of the car. She started to free herself when something horrible happened. An infected spotted Haley struggling to get out of the car. It ran at her and took a chunk of her arm. Then her head. Jodie screamed. Lenny shot it once. Twice. Three times in the foul creatures' head. He fell to his knees next to his daughter.

"H-Haley," Lenny choked out.

"Daddy. I... Love you," were the last words Haley Ramirez said before shutting her eyes forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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