Delightful ally

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The Kids Next Door. I hated fighting them. But I didn't want to get in trouble with father. I sighed as I held my heart shaped pendant around my neck. "Well we'll well, if it isn't our friends, the kids next door." My siblings said. I looked up from the ground. My vibrant midnight blue eyes scanning the KND. My eyes fell in a blind boy with an orange hoodie and blue pants. Number 4. I have always admired his determination and tantrums. Some how. I watched at my siblings talked with number 1. "Oh, we don't believe you've met our sister. (Y/N). Come on over." My siblings said. I sighed and walked over to them. "Yes? What is it?" I said rolling my eyes. I watched as the KND and my siblings got into a fight. I saw that my siblings were going to shoot a laser at number 4. I hid my hand behind me and snapped my fingers. A blue chrystal shot at the machine and knocked it off aim. My siblings glared at me. They captured the KND and took me to father. "We captured them alright, but it was no thanks to this screw up." They said, pointing their thumbs in my direction. I cowered in fear as father blew up at me. He locked me in a cell.I sat in a corner with my back to my cell door. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried. I heard yelling and my cell door open and close. "I SWEAR IF YOU DELIGHTFUL BRATS DON'T LET ME OUT OF THIS CELL RIGHT NOW! YOU'RE GOING TO BE REALLY SORRY!" The voice said. I recognized it as Number 4 's voice. Looking over my shoulder at him I said, "That w-won't work you know." He looked at me. "And what are you doing in 'ere?" He asked. I turned my head back around and sighed frustratingly. "I do the right thing, and it get me thrown in a cell." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Does this look familiar to you?" I said. I snapped my fingers and a blue Chrystal appeared. Number 4 gasped. "That was you?!" He said. I nodded. "I know how to get outta here. I know how to save your friends." I said. "How do I know you won't back stab me?" He said. "I saved you didn't I? I could have let you die, but I saved you. Besides, I hate father and my siblings." I said. He sighed. "Fine." He said. I hugged him and went to the cell door. I put my hands on it. "What, you gunna push us out?" 4 joked. "Just watch." I said. "CHRYSTAL OBLIVION!" I said. the door turned in to blue crystals and destroyed itself. I looked back at 4. "Whoa, that was cool." He said. I blushed. "Thank you." I said. We ran out of our cell and to Numbers 3 and 5's cell. I did the same thing to their cell door. Then we went to 1 and 2 and freed them. I showed them an easy way outta our house and ran with them. "Thank you, (y/n) for helping us. You can hang with us anytime." Number 1 said. I blushed and looked away smiling. "That's nice of you to offer, but, I might not get to. Once I get back home, I'll be grounded for life. No joke." I said. " well who said we are sending you back home? " 5 said. I looked at them. "You may stay here, if you wish." 1 said. I smiled and hugged him. " thank you! " I said. Little did I know, that when I hugged 1, 4 was glaring at him the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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