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Hey, thanks for taking a look at my fist Home Free fanfic. It was inspired by the general atmosphere of the music video to Blue ain't your colour. I hope you enjoy!

It was dark outside the small, round window when his alarm clock started ringing. Adam blindly reached for it, turned it upside down, and smashed the „off"-button against the bedside table. Blessed silence. With a heavy sigh he peeled himself out of the blankets and sat up. "Quarter past five" the hands of the clock indicated. They still glowed faintly - it hadn't been more than a few hours since he had lain down for the night. Christmas time on a cruise ship was the same every year: stress, chaos, an overworked crew. But it also meant glorious, golden lighting for the stage, glittering decoration everywhere, Christmas songs on the cheap, tiny radio in the mess room and anticipation and cheerful people bustling around everywhere, who were more than usually inclined to tip their waiters. And, most of all Christmas meant winter. Cold ice and snow kissing his face, greeting him like a friend, whenever he set a foot outside. He stepped over to the window and covered the glass with a soft exhale. Then, he drew a "14", neatly in the middle of the circular pane, and a little smiley face next to it. Ten more days till Christmas Eve. He watched the writing fade before he turned his back and slipped into his uniform.

"Mind the coffee machine," Rob greeted him when he entered the mess hall. He looked more asleep than awake and was sipping a glass of water. Next to him stood a mug of steaming coffee, still almost full.
"Hm?" Adam shot him a questioning glance.
"Darn thing is broken again, I swear. Coffee's scalding. Also tastes horrible."
"He burnt his tongue," Tim supplied from his corner seat with a massive yawn. "Thank god my shift's over." He gave Rob a cheerful little wave, nodded his head in Adam's direction and stumbled out of the back door.
"Long night?"
"You have no idea... People loved the show last night. Chance said to keep going, it's good money we're making. 'S also my feet we are killing, though."
Adam grinned. "Take the early shift off. I got things under control"
"The Lord sent you here, buddy." Rob got up and emptied his coffee into the sink, kicked the counter the coffee machine was standing on and followed Tim.
"Not a problem," Adam said quietly, smiling. He flicked off the way-too-bright neon light as soon as the door had closed behind his colleague. The lanterns on the deck outside provided enough light to discern the silhouettes of the furnishing. Much better for this early hour. He loved night time on the ship. It felt so silent; motionless save for the gentle movement of waves rolling underneath them. They were the only ship for miles and miles. In a way, out here was his own little universe of peace, quiet and the welcoming dark blue of a cold night.
The fridge started humming, reminding him that life was moving on and he had places to be. But first, coffee. He stared down the blinking light of the buttons as he emptied the machine of the used powder, put in fresh beans and water and placed his favourite mug in the right spot.
"You're broken, hm? Dare to defy me." Gurgling, rattling and steaming, it spit out a cup's worth of dark brown liquid. It was scalding. He reached for the kitchen towel, shielding his hand as he gingerly picked up his drink and blew at the coffee with a gentle hiss before discarding the towel again. Little pieces of ice clinked against the spoon as he left the mess hall and made his way towards the kitchens with a spring in his step and a perfect iced coffee.

Chance grinned. He looked as awake as ever, even though he had probably worked the night shift just as Rob and Tim. "You can't resist, can you?"
"Nope. What's up?"
"You know the new guy we took on two weeks ago?"
Adam took a sip of his coffee and thoughtfully stared at the pattern of the carpet floor. "Lanky guy with sad eyes? Quite young?" Chance nodded. "That's him. He's called Austin Brown. Management wants him to work on our team for now."
"Why?" Adam frowned. "It's tough learning things around here during the holiday season stress." His boss shrugged. "I think they just want somebody else to deal with him. He kind of fucked up down in the engine room and needs a different job." "That's random," Adam commented and started wiping the tables. Chance nodded, stealing Adam's mug and taking a sip.
"Ice? What the heck is wrong with you, Rupp?"
Adam grinned. "Serves you right, get your own coffee." He righted the heavy wooden chairs and moved on to the next table.
"Fair enough. So, Brown. I don't know why we took him on anyways. Word is he was pretty desperate. Needed a job, maybe needed to get away, who knows."
"And now you get to deal with him because you give everyone the feeling that you're competent?"
"I wasn't aware you were able to say sentences this long."
"Shut up."
"Ah, that's the Adam I know." Chance laughed. Then he got serious once more. "I met the boy yesterday evening. He seems a bit lost. But I think he's a good lad, and I want to help him. Sucks as a waiter, though, so far. I was actually hoping you could help him out a little bit. Show him how things are done. How not to trip over his own legs while carrying dishes, y'know?"
Adam frowned in thought and finished up the last table. "Will see what I can do." He headed back towards the kitchens. "Does he also sing?"
"See if you can get him to. He has a pleasant enough voice. But so far, he's been pretty tongue-tied."
"I think I like him already."
Chance actually snorted. "I was expecting that." He held the door open with one hand and clapped the other on Adam's back. "He will drop by here around nine. I was counting on Rob to coax him out of his shell a bit, by the way."
"Rob? I sent him to bed, he looked like death warmed over."
"Then you got the newbie all to yourself. Congrats." Chance chuckled. "See if you can't get him into shape a little bit."
Adam mock-saluted. "Aye, sir!" This should be interesting.

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