Entry 2

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AN// Stunning cover by _teenagers :) //

[Day 3]

Dear Diary,

            After hiding the bags, I almost crashed into the bald man again. I wasn't frightened this time. I was angry. I had hastily hid the bags behind building #2, so I didn't know if the bald man would find them or not.

            When the bald man appeared again, I did the one thing I could do.

            I ran.

            I scrambled away from the building and went straight to the café, where I knew that girl would be. Once again, I sat down in the corner and shuffled over, hunching so that nobody would recognize me.

            The second I regained my breath, I remembered her again. That innocent face. Those pure eyes. That gentle smile.

            Sitting in the corner of the café, I glanced around for her, but she wasn't there. Instead, there was another man, in his forties, working quickly at the register. The café was quiet then, hardly any customers in the room. I sat there, on the table, and waited. I expected her to be in the back of the restaurant, getting ready to come out and work.

            Time passed. She never came.  

            After waiting for two hours, I went to the old man and asked him where she was.

            "She's at school," the man said, curiously. "Should I tell her you stopped by?"

            I froze.  

            She was a schoolgirl.

            I was thinking about a schoolgirl for the past two days.

            That doesn't matter. Age is but a number. She looked older than eighteen, anyway.

            It shouldn't matter.

            "When will she be back?" I asked quietly.

            "She should be back tomorrow, in the afternoon."

            After that, I left, barely missing the bald man. I came back here, to write again. I couldn't think about her age.

            I still can't.

            I need my pills.

            I'll write again.

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