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"Babe did you see my tie?" Yunhyeong ask

"Yes it's on the first drawer" you answer

"Did you see my socks?" He ask again

"It's where you find the tie" you answer back

"Babe did you see...." He start asking but you answer

" wait till I get out of the shower I'll help you found your stuff "

Both of you as been invited to a get together by your old time friends and your husband is trying to drive you crazy, he's acting like he doesn't remember where everything are because he is stress.

You finishing getting dress and give him what he was looking for then both of you head out of the house.

"Where is my lip balm?" He said while looking in his pockets

"Babe seriously do you think you will need the lip bam tonight?"

"Yes I will need it, how can I kiss your pretty lips if mines are dry?"

"Okay fine go get it then. I think it's on the table in the living room"

He ran to get the lip balm while you were sitting in the car asking yourself how did you marry him. Then he come back running, gets in the car, gives you a kiss on the cheek and start the car.

On your way to the restaurant where the get together is, he stop by a flower shop and came back with a bouquet of flowers : your favorites

"Thank you for being so patient with me" then he gave you the flowers

"I'm your wife of course I have to stick by your side no matter what "

He smile and drove off, few minutes later he stop again in front of a jewelry store. You wonder what it's going on and why so many stops. He came back with a box and ask you to hold it but he doesn't want you to open it

"If I don't ask you to open it don't do it. got it!?"

"Why? What's inside that even me can't look at it?" you ask

"It's a gift to someone and it would be rude for you to open a gift that's not even yours" he answered

"If I can't open it why do I have to old it ?" You ask starting to get annoyed

"Because I'm driving babe don't be mad you will soon know what's inside"

After a couple more minutes you arrive to the restaurant and it was full of people that you know, both of your families was there too, people from your work place. You were so surprise that all those people were there that you start thinking if you have forget someone anniversary, but your thoughts were blank you couldn't think of anything . You and Yunhyeong seat down and everybody start to order their food, some were talking . Everyone was having a good time till Yunhyeong father gets up and said he want to make a toast

"(Y/N), I know you every since my son told me he met you that day in the park, he kept talking about you non stop so I knew you even though I never saw you before and one day he come home and told me that he doesn't want to watch you from far anymore but want you to be part of his life. That was the best decision he ever made and after 5 years we are still proud me and my wife to have you as our daughter-in-law"

Everybody start to cheer and clap their hands, then it's was your dad turn to make a toast

"(Y/N) I know you are an independent woman and that you weren't sure about him but after you give him a chance to show you his worth, he gave you something that even us as your parents couldn't give you, he make you smile like there is nothing in the world but you two. When I look at you, I see love all over your face. Son you've been taking care of her for more than 5 years now and I hope you still keep the good job. I wish you both a happy life and lot so children"

Everybody start laughing . You were so overwhelmed by all those beautiful words that you start tearing up but still don't understand what is going on, then your husband gets up and turn to you

"Babe I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass to you but imagining my life without you is impossible, I know you are wandering what's going on. I plan this party for you about a month ago in secrets hiding all the plans and clear your notifications and schedules because I wanted to surprise you so much. Today it's our 5th anniversary and it's been 5 years of no ending happiness, I want to give you everything you want because you deserve it. I want to thank you for taking care of me for all this time. Now you can open the box that I gave you in the car"

You open and inside its a necklace with a heart as a pendant that you can open and inside its writing : As long that you got my heart I will always love you ~Y ~💖

After seeing that you start crying like a baby and Yunhyeong hold your face and whipped your face and give you a kiss, a passionate kiss

"I love you (Y/N) with all my heart and I will try hard to be the best husband for you"

You were so happy and everybody was tearing up a little. It was perfect and you were so happy.

"I have an announcement to say too and I think it's the best moment to say this since everyone I love is here" you start saying

You hold Yunhyeong hand and look at your family and friends sitting in front of you and say :

"I'm pregnant!!! I knew it yesterday but I didn't know all that would happen, I'm so greatful to all of you and my baby will be lucky to have all of you in his/her life"

The End


I was listening to "Sinoshijak" while writing this. Also I was block all day so I couldn't write the rest of that imagine. I'm so proud of it now.

Anyway see you next time,watch out for BTS anniversary, IKON comeback, BOBBY comeback and EXO comeback. This summer, we will all going to die because of K-Pop but that's why we love it

Bye!! Until next time


IMAGINES (BTS, IKON, GOT7, BIG BANG AND OTHERS) Where stories live. Discover now