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I opened the door softly, holding my breath as I looked out into the living room. He sat on the couch, facing away from me with his elbows on his knees and his hands in his head. I thought about pulling the door shut and laying on the ground again. He turned around to look at me as soon as he noticed and stood up to face me.

"I'm so sorry," he began. "I heard you fall and scream, and I thought, I mean... I didn't think. I just barged in there because I was worried you might have hit your head or twisted your neck. I could have just knocked, but I didn't. If it happens again, I'll knock. I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries."

I wanted to scream at him about how many other boundaries he overstepped without apologizing. But I bit my tongue, knowing better than to make him angry.

Then he added, with a cheeky grin, "But to be fair, it's nothing I've never exactly seen before... I mean, like, when you're up on stage," he tried to save himself, "At the nightclub— I've never watched you undress in private, I swear, I would never do something like that."

I tasted metallic at the edge of my tongue as I held it between my teeth, forcing myself not to scream at him. I wanted to tell him that dancing was different, that being on stage was different because it was my choice, and it didn't give anyone the right to own me or use me. It didn't give him the right to keep me like an object. But I couldn't figure out the words to say it. I just wanted to scream, just scream my vocal chords raw. My finger nails dug into my palms.

He took a step toward me. "Don't cry. Baby, I'm sorry." He was right there, wiping his thumbs underneath my eyes. "Sssshhh," he hushed. I flinched backwards, grabbing a stronger hold onto the doorjamb to keep from falling. "Why do you do that? Why are you afraid of me?" he asked, taking another step toward me, reaching his arms out to wrap around me. "I'm not going to hurt you." I pushed his arm away. "Let me take care of you," he said. I pushed at his other arm as he took hold of my shoulder.

"Don't touch me," I warned through gritted teeth. But I couldn't move as I balanced on one foot.

He put his hand on my shoulder. I let it sit there for a moment and then I hit him. I hit his arm, and then his chest, and scratched at his face when he tried to close the gap between us. I screamed, and he grabbed my wrist to stop me, but I'd gotten him, a pink line ran down his cheek. I kicked my knee up at him, but he pushed me back into the bathroom, I slipped on one foot, screaming form the pain as I used my bad ankle to stop myself from falling. He pushed me back until l hit against the sink. I braced my elbows against the counter, leaning back into it as he walked toward me.

"You don't have to fight this," he said. I grabbed the hand soap bottle behind me, and threw it at him, then tried to duck underneath his arms reaching out for me, but he caught me and pushed me back into the counter. His hands were around my neck, pushing me back, squeezing tight. The sink faucet pressed into my shoulder blades. He leaned closer, his whole body pressing into me. "Stop fighting me and let me show you how much I can love you," he begged.

I gasped for air as his hands tightened, crushing my windpipe. He lowered his face toward mine, breathing softly on my face as I gagged. He lowered his lips onto my open mouth and sucked my bottom lip. The edges of the room began to go dark. Everything was fading except for his face right above mine. He pulled away from my face to look into my eyes. His piercing green eyes. "See? I can make you feel good." But I didn't feel anything, and the room went dark.


Dog guy is still sticking around so far. Prey that it lasts.

Also I don't know if I'm moving out anymore because I love the people I live with too much.

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