Nadalind: A walk in the park

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Nick and Adalind has rented out a cabin for themselves to share with Monroe and Rosalee. Eventually it got too much for Nick to handle, he wanted Adalind and Monroe and Rosalee were too busy talking to notice them leave.

Adalind, feeling particularly adventurous said, "Let's go for a walk. Just the two of us." Adalind whispered to Nick seductively.

Nick understood right away what his Adalind wanted.

They headed deep, down a path of their own making.

Once they were far enough away from the cabin, Nick pinned Adalind against a tree and devoured her lips, slipping his tongue in to tangle with hers. She moaned into their kiss as his hands roamed over her body, and cupped her breast, his thumb caressing the area over the nipple. Nick could feel it hardening beneath the layers of fabric.

Adalind arched her head back as Nick moved to mouth at her neck. She palmed his erection over his jeans, eliciting a growl.

He grabbed a hold of her wrist and pressed her harder into him. His other hand undoing the zipper from her pants, then slipping inside to find her wet warmth.

Not to be out done, Adalind maneuvered so she could udo Nick's pants and pull out his dick, wrapping her hand around the appendage and rubbing in the same rhythm and speed he was pleasuring her.

They retook each others mouths as they stimulated one another. Tongues and hips following in this dance.

They were outside, in the open. Though very exhilarating, neither one wanted to remove their clothes, so full contact would wait till later, when the were in a soft bed, in the privacy of their room and could explore each other better for satisfaction.

This was just a thrill to enjoy while they could. A new experience for both of them.

Soon they reached that peak. Crying out with their shared climax.

For a moment, they stared into eachothers eyes and smiled. Realizing how crazy they were being, knowing neither one was the type to do that sort of thing ever.

They were bringing out so much in each other. And it was certain they would continue to do so.

Nick and Adalind knew their relationship was intense, passion filled and nothing like they would ever had planned.

And they wouldn't want it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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