chapter 4 battle for superiority

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It is time. The battle to prove that I'm better than my brothers.  Kidnapping the princess was the easy part. All I had to do was walk right in since no one there would be able to stop me. I was waiting in my castle with princess peach and Bowsette.

Princess peach was waiting patiently for her "rescue" but little did she know it wouldn't go the way she thought.  Soon my brothers stepped into my throne room.

Y/n: About time you got here brothers. I knew you guys were weak. But if you wouldn't have made it here that would have been more embarrassing. 

Mario: Let the princess go!

Y/n: Only if you defeat me. This will prove to you that without me your nothing. Heck even Luigi is better than you at anything. 

I got out of my throne.

Y/n: Come at me.

My brothers charged and the battle began. Both went for a punch, I blocked both punches and they backed off.

Luigi went to shock me. I delivered a shock of my own twice the strength of his. He went down shaking from the shock. Mario threw fireballs at me. I summoned one from each finger throwing five at once overwhelming him and they sent him flying.

Y/n: You are boring me. 

Mario lunged at me with a kick. I caught the kick and threw him up in the air. As he was falling I kicked him straight in the air sending him flying forward.

Luigi got up and went for a kick of his own. I let it connect but it did nothing. I grabbed his leg and slammed my whole body on the ground the leg under me. Luigi let out a shout of pain. I grabbed him by his overalls and threw him against the wall. 

Mario charged once more with a punch. I caught it then grabbed him by his neck.

Y/n: Hun. Camera time.

Bowsette pulled out the camera that broadcasts to the entire mushroom kingdom. Something planned for a while. I held Mario in front of the camera.

Y/n: Your so called savior is defeated. You didn't even acknowledge my existence. But now I'm here no doubt about that. I got tires of carrying you ungrateful people on my back. Protecting those that don't give a damn about me. Your princess... Is not being rescued this time. Because your savior became the villain.

I threw Mario against the wall knocking him out.

Y/n: I dare anyone who doesn't believe this victory is true to give it a try. See if you can be the hero. Until then, I think the princess will be right here. A prisoner of the sins of family. 

I went and grabbed my brothers. I carried them to the front door being followed by Bowsette still broadcasting. Once I exited the castle I sat Luigi down on the stairs.

Y/n: You earned rest brother.

I threw Mario down to the bottom.

Y/n: Maybe now you'll appreciate family.

I went back into the castle. I walked up to the cage I had Peach in.

Peach: Someone will beat you!

Y/n: That's the plan. Its time for both kingdoms to have a savior. A true savior.

Bowsette: So that was your plan all along. To allow a hero to shine.

Y/n: There are always diamonds deep in rocks. You just have to mine them out. Mario and Luigi, they have skill. But I know there is someone stronger than them. There always is.   So I will wait for them.

And wait I did, for years. Then finally a warrior approached, one who took my challenge. A giant toad, bigger than any toad I've seen.

?: Koopa king! I challenge you!

Y/n: Oh? And who are you?

Gorser: I am Gorser. I was trained by your brothers to defeat you.

Y/n: Perhaps you'll be the one to defeat me. I will cherish this day if it be true.

I got out of my throne and charged for Gorser. We locked In a clash and a epic battle occurred. We were neck and neck the whole time. It came down to my experience that lead to my victory. Gorser was down and was struggling to get out.

Y/n: You did well. I'm going to bend the rules. You will leave here with the princess.

Gorser strained: Why?

Y/n: Because the mushroom kingdom needs a hero. I gave up on it. And if someone like me attacks. My brothers would lose.

Gorser: I don't understand. Are you good or evil?

Y/n: I do not know. I care for my people. But I care little for the mushroom kingdom. But you, you care about your people. Now you must go and take the princess home.

Gorser nodded. I opened the cage and peach followed Gorser as they left my castle. I sat down on my throne once more. I could hear my son run from behind the throne. He stopped in front of me.

Y/n: Bowser. What is it?

Bowser: Mom said to tell you that lunch is ready!

I patted my son on his head.

Y/n: Thank you son. Now let's go eat some lunch.

Bowser and I went to the kitchen. I saw Bowsette already eating.

Bowsette: You got what you wanted.

Y/n: Yes. Now I don't need to worry about anything but my family.

Bowser wasted no time in sitting and eating. 

I knew that now I got what o truly wanted. And my old life doesn't matter anymore. Cause my new life is so much better.

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