Troublesome Shooting, TAKE 7

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You had made your way downstairs to the kitchen where you were waiting now in awkward silence. After a while you began tapping your fingers on your arm and looking around for something to do. You decided to open up the door to the backyard a little to let in some fresh air, not considering yesterday's fight on the terrace. When you opened the door, you were confronted with a fairly big mess and your jaw dropped a little. There were broken pots, trampled flowers, kicked over furniture and a broken shovel, as well as a few other things. Furthermore, you noticed some spots of blood on the floor, which made you shiver and imagine the fight Morten had been in. Him getting beat and scratched and knocked over...
You didn't like the thought and shook it off, quickly closing the door again, and decided to open a window instead.
Still caught in the thought of Morten fighting the intruders, you followed your primal instinct to take a look into the fridge. Morten's fridge was tidier than you'd expected and also, tidier than yours. Focused on the food, you missed out on the steps behind you.

"I thought I'd told you to keep your hands to yourself."

The voice was dangerously close to you and directly behind you so that you could feel the vibrations of the deep voice on the back of your head, making the tiny hairs on your neck stand up.
Before you could react, arms snaked around you waist, securing you in a tight grip. You were lifted up and turned around, away from the fridge. When you had solid ground under your feet again you put the arms away from your waist and turned around. Morten gave you an amused smile. His hair was still slightly wet, making some strands of hair fall over his forehead. The rest of his hair was pretty much slicked back untidily.

"Sorry, I got distracted and my body kind of moved on its own. It won't happen again, Sir.", you answered, trying to keep a serious face but failed when one of your mouth corners started twitching up.
Morten laughed and shoved you aside carefully. "Now, let's see what there is for breakfast."

He took his time to examine the interior of his fridge.
"Uhm, I can offer scrambled eggs and toast, perhaps? Some fruit to go with it?"

You shrugged. "Sure, sounds fine to me."

Even though Morten had insisted on you to not move a finger, you ended up helping him to prepare breakfast. He had shaken his head when he'd surrendered to your urge to help.
It went by pretty quick. The two of you soon sat at his table, eating in silence.

"Do you need to appear on the set again today, Morten?", you asked, breaking the silence.

Morten dropped his head and groaned.
"Goddammit, you're right.", he said, "But when I look at myself in the mirror I can't really spot a face that I would deem appropriate for appearing in a music video. Not even makeup can fix this."
He motioned at his plasters and patched-up wounds.

Your put down your fork and furrowed your brows.
"You're right though. It wouldn't be very nice to try to cover your injuries with makeup, it would start getting infected and dirty."

"The director might kill me. Even though I have never missed out on a shooting day before."
Morten sighed.
"I'm gonna call him."

He got up and went to the kitchen counter to grab his phone. Afterwards, he dialed a number and held the phone up to his ear.
"Good morning! It's me, Morten. Uh, you see, it's kind of embarrassing to say but... I kind of got injured last night and my face is not really suited for a music video in its current state. N-No! No, no, no, it's not too bad but there are cuts that need to heal before I can wear any makeup and it wouldn't look nice in the video..."

You watched him discuss with his director for a while. He walked up and down the kitchen, desperately trying to make it as polite as possible.

"Thank you for being so understanding! Ah, I'm so glad. I was worried you'd get mad. I'm so sorry", he finally said, relaxing a little.
"Yes. Yes, I will. Thank you. Alright, have a nice day!"

He put down the phone and ended the call.
With a smile on his lips, he turned back to you. "Thank god, he was not too mad."

You gave him a small applause.
"Yay for you!", you said.

He laughed and walked back over to you.
"Now that I have the day off-", he said, sitting back down, "I suggest we spend the day together. Or rather, I'll spend the day spoiling you with whatever you'd like and you just relax."
You opened your mouth to protest but Morten silenced you.
"And before you try to resist I'll have to remind you, that you spent the night treating my wounds and bringing me water. As well as regularly checking on me during the sleeping hours."
He leaned back an crossed his arms, a smug look on his face.

You chuckled. The thought of spending your day off with Morten treating you like a princess was admittedly very delightful. Even though you felt like you hadn't really earned it. Giving him a bright, sincere smile you consented. He seemed quite pleased with it.


He started by carrying you around as if you were unable to walk by yourself and he carried you anywhere you wanted to be. His injuries did not keep him from serving you. You were carried upstairs into the bathroom, he prepared a nice bubble bath for you and brought you biscuits and tea to go along with it.
Afterwards he waited for you to wrap yourself into a big towel and carried you over to his bedroom where he offered a variety of massages to you. You were flustered by that and even more so when you looked into his dedicated face with shining eyes, reflecting sincere gratitude.
You shyly requested a foot and neck massage.
Soon he went to work on your neck and you had to admit that he was doing it pretty well, making you relax completely. You didn't notice your face becoming flushed.

Morten leaned over to the side and a little to the side to take a look at your face.
"Oh dear, (y/n). You're all red. You're not catching a fever, are you?"
Your eyes widened and you side-eyed him. Again, he had a very mischievous expression on this face, a little smug as well. That was his usual way acting around other ladies, displaying confidence and charm in a way that made most girls melt into a puddle, left for him to step over.
This didn't make it any better for you.
The thought that you had developed different feelings for him had occupied your head multiple times but you had always violently shaken it off. You didn't know why it should be like this. Or even how it happened to be.

You happened to switch your expression to gain a hint of agony and slight despair.
Morten noticed, much to your dislike.

"Hey, hey. Are you alright?" He put his hands off your shoulders and crawled around to be in front of you. Trying to get a better look at you he leaned down and looked at you.
You sighed.

"It's nothing really. I'm just thinking a lot these days. You know, about this and that..."

"Would you mind telling me what bothers you and your pretty little head?", he said and tilted his head to one side.

"I don't know... I, I had a lot of nightmares that last night. All of them included...", you paused and tried to look at him but failed when you accidentally met his intense and concerned gaze.
"All of them included you and yesterday's happenings. In most of which you ended up severely injured or dead even. Those guys did this to you and were in process of abducting me most of the time but I couldn't have cared less for I was mostly concerned about you..."
You hid your face behind your hands and shook your head.
"Those horrifying images won't leave my head. Even though", you said and lifted up your hands to look at him with a sad smile, "Even though I know you're safe and doing well."

He seemed a little surprised if not slightly shocked at what you'd told him just now. But his eyes filled up with something that reminded you of pity and empathy; and amount of which made you unable to answer or react in any way. You averted your gaze and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.
"It was good to get that off my chest.", you said, chuckling quietly.

When you turned back to him with a relieved smile on your face, your heart nearly stopped. His expression was strange, he seemed to be frozen, blankly staring at you. As if he was trying to squeeze any more information out of you. Something was missing for him, a certain thing of which he hoped you'd tell him.

"Do you need me to tell you anything else?", you accidentally spoke out loud.

He looked at you and begged for your entire attention with his eyes, slowly reaching out to you. However, he ended up gently grabbing your hand and lifting it up to hold it up to him. He graced your knuckles with his thumb, gentle strokes with a gaze of deep affection upon your hand. After that, he gently placed a kiss on them, his lips remained on your skin for a few seconds and let you feel their warmth.

You gave him a questioning, yet curious look.

He removed his lips from your hand, still looking down at it.
"(y/n)?", he began, "I know it is utmost rude of me to act like that on a day where I promised you to command me but I need to know."

"What is it?", you asked in almost what was a whisper, your voice not allowing for more.

In less than a second, his hand moved behind your neck and he leaned towards you but seemingly hesitated for a tiny fragment of time.
However, driven by his need of confirmation, he continued moving and silently but determinedly placed his warm lips upon your own.

That was when time stopped for you. You were set out of order, unable to function. His action surprised you incredibly much and you questioned it to be real at first but when he let go and stared into your eyes with a kind of intoxicated gaze full of affection and heat from the moment, you knew that this was reality.
Your arms turned into rubber and gave up on supporting you, making you unstable and dropping down from your position. Morten reacted quickly and managed to catch you and pull you into his arms. He held you securely and put one of his hands on the back of your head, smelling your hair, burying his face in it.

A sigh escaped you. Then, you felt a little more at ease and let yourself sink completely into his arms.

"So now", Morten said with a low voice, "You should know what my question was. I gave you an answer alongside with it."

With a face that was a strawberry shade of red you answered, "I think I understand now. And even though I have tried denying it and didn't take it for real, I have to admit to you as well as myself..."
You looked up to him.

"That I kind of feel the same."

Troublesome Shooting (Morten Harket x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now