|When he confesses|

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It was 1.00 am. Your room was filled with complete darkness. Only the streetlight shined through the window. You could not sleep, no matter how hard you tried. Your eyes stayed open. You have already been lying in the bed for a couple of hours and you have especially ignored the notifications you have gotten on your phone just so you could get some sleep. The next day you had an important interview, so you needed all the amount of sleep you could get.

You just kept thinking about the interview. Like if you're going to mess it up or if you will get the job. How should you dress? You have already picked out an outfit. But is it the right one?

You could hear the clock ticking and ticking the seconds away. It drove you crazy by the sound of it. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. It was 4.00 am. You still could not sleep. Eventually, you gave up. You took your phone from the nightstand and started scrolling through your Instagram feed. Leaving some likes here and there.


By the sound of it, you already knew who sent you the text. Your smile started to grow and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. You could feel your heart started to pound but in a good way.

🌸Harry: Are you up?

You: Got this huge interview, can't sleep :(

🌸Harry: :(
I'm sure you will do great. There's nothing to worry about.

You: Thanks, but why are you up so late?

🌸Harry: Just can't get this girl out of my head. She has been keeping me up lately.

As he sent the last message you felt your heart drop. You had this big crush on him. You are only close friends, but you want to be more than friends. But you get that he might not feel the same. And of course, even this girl might be someone you don't like you have to support him. With a heavy heart, you answered him.

You: She must be someone special.

🌸 Harry: Yes she is. She is quite hardworking, has eyes of an angel. But I don't have the guts to tell her. You see, we are friends. And I don't want to ruin our friendship in case she dosent feel the same.

You: I'm sure she would appreciate it. Maybe she got feelings for you too. You should confess to her.

🌸 Harry: Okay, I will do. But I can't keep her awake anymore. She got this interview this morning.

The last message left you in confusion. Could it be possible that he meant you?

You: Wait, what do you mean

You: Harry?

You: Harry are you there?

You kept texting him for some minutes until you realised that it was hopeless to text him. He was already asleep. You turned off your phone and got to sleep.

- The following morning -

You've just finished the interview

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You've just finished the interview. You left the room feeling excited, hoping to get this position. The interviewer was pretty impressed with your resume and could guarantee you that the position was yours.

You were about to go outside when someone pulled your hand. You looked up at the person and noticed.

It was him, Harry.

You looked confused at him, why was he here? He noticed your confusion and started to talk.

"I know that you might be confused right now but just hear me out. " He stopped a few seconds to just clear his throat and talked again.

"So I have wanted to tell you this many times, but I just couldnt.

I like you, very much. Would you like to go out sometime? " He asked nervously.

" I think that would be great" A smile left your mouth. Finally, you have what you wanted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is my first imagine

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This is my first imagine. I hope you like it. 🌸
DM me if you have any request.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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