Forgiveness:Happy ending

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It was a cold crisp winter evening in the garden grill, where Wayne and Ford were enjoying their daily lunch together. Wayne had finished his food 5 minutes ago, while Ford had barely eaten any of his omelette.

"Hey are ya ok Ford?" Wayne asked, obviously concerned. Ford continued to jab his omelette with his fork, leaving a few holes the cold omelette.
"Im fine" Ford sighed, as he stood up "I should return to the clinic, my break is almost over."

Before Wayne could reply, Ford had already walked out the door.
"What's with him?" Brad asked from the counter. "He's been acting kinda depressed ever since that old woman started showing up at his clinic."

Wayne nodded solemnly in agreement, staring at the double doors, deeply concerned for Ford.


Ford lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He sighed as he removed his glasses and paced them on the table. He pulled the covers over him self, and curled up into a ball, burying himself under the covers, attempting to block out every negative thought that plagued his mind, every word carved into his soul by the woman he was forced to call-

"Ford? Its me!" Ford looked at the door and groaned, considering if he should open the door.
"Ford Im worried 'bout ya!" Wayne shouted through the door. "Ford please!" The exhausted doctor managed to drag himself from the comfort and warmth of his bed, and answer the door. "Ye-" Ford was interrupted by the sudden, surprisingly warm, embrace of the younger of the pair. Wayne continued to squeeze his lover tightly, to which Ford responded by awkwardly hugging him back.

"Ford what the hell?" Wayne began ranting, releasing a flustered doctor from his grasp.
"It's nothing you should concern yourself with Wayne" he replied, cupping his lovers concern ridden face in his hand. He briefly flashed his younger lover a quick smile, which was happily returned.

"Im worried, Ford" Wayne stated, removing Ford's hand from his face, gazing into his eyes. "Please talk to me, ya can trust me, can't ya?"

Ford stared back into his beloved's eyes, trying to think of an acceptable response. "Of course, its just that, well, I-"

"Ford, stop right there, we are going to get our revenge." Wayne interrupted, grinning at his companion, a sinister glint in his eye.
"I'll get the duct tape" Ford grinned back.


"Ready?" Wayne asked from his hiding spot under the bed. "She'll be here any minute"
"Ready" Ford responded from his desk, where he was sat surrounded by paper work, as not to arouse any suspicion.

Suddenly, their was a familiar sharp knock at the clinic door, Ford calmly approached the door, and took a large deep breath before pulling open the door, revealing the all too familiar obese figure.

"Welcome" Ford greeted, in his usual monotone voice, eyeing the cigarette hanging from the woman's chapped lips. He shuddered slightly at the thought of the cigarette being pressed into his skin. He reluctantly let the woman in, and quickly locked the door behind her.

"NOW!" Ford shouted, as he wrestled the woman to the ground with out much difficulty, considering how intoxicated she was.

Soon enough, the woman had been tied to a chair, her mouth sealed shut with duct tape.
"Wayne could you get me a glass of water?" Ford asked his companion, who nodded and hurried down the stairs.

Once the thumping of footsteps had faded completely, the doctor ripped the duct tape off his "mothers" mouth, and sat down on a small wooden stool a few feet in front of her.

"Why?" He asked simply, in his cold monotone voice.
"What do you mean?" The now sober woman replied, avoiding eye contact with her biological son.

The doctor stood up, and pointed an accusing finger at her. "You know EXACTLY what you did!" Ford shouted, loud enough to startle the woman, but not loud enough for Wayne to hear from downstairs.

"Please I just want answers..." the doctor mumbled, trying hold back the tears threatening to fall out his eyes. He wiped them away, deciding he wasn't going to give his mother the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

"Fine" the woman finally answered, to Ford's shock and disbelief. "I always loved you Ford, deep down I always did, but ever since you were born, I thought I hated you. Before you were born I was in university, finishing my lawyers degree, when I gave birth to you. My mother disowned me, and I was forced to drop out of university and take on prostitution to be able to afford basic housing, and feed myself. The reason I thought I never loved you is because I thought it was you who ruined my life, when In reality, it was me who ruined everything for myself. The woman wiped away a few tears before continuing."Ford, Im so sorry, please forgive me. Let's try again?"

"Fine" Ford replied. "On one condition..."
"Anything!" The woman replied enthusiastically.
"Leave this town, get a therapist, lose some weight and get help for your alcoholism. Don't return until you have your life back on track.

Ford untied the woman from the chair, and walked her downstairs. Ford gave her a quick serving of omelette (made by Wayne, as Ford always burnt omelettes), and gave her a small glass of creamy milk, before hiring a coach to take her home.

"Thanks for this Ford" the woman said to Ford, as she mounted the coach. "I'll see you soon" Ford replied, as the coach drove off into the gorgeous sunset.

Wayne and Ford stood outside of the clinic together, watching the sun slowly disappear into the mountains, revealing a galaxy full of stars and constellations, all illuminated by the bright moon.
"I love you" Wayne murmured to Ford, as he continued to gaze up at the sky.
"I love you too, Wayne.

The End

Well we did it, the happy ending is here, Im gonna start working on a haunted house story soon, so stay tuned for that if you like!

Cya all soon!
-Mexican Bacon

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