Kim Minseok •EXO•

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"Minseok." (m/n) whispered to his boyfriend as he ran his fingers through his boyfriends hair.

"You did amazing yesterday." (m/n) whispered proudly.

Minseok hummed snuggling closer to his boyfriend.

"Minseok you know you have to get up." (m/n) chuckled softly kissing Minseok's forehead.

(m/n)'s kisses began to trail down Minseok's neck.

"Minseok." (m/n) breathed out and Minseok groaned and turned over out of his boyfriends grasp.

"Not now." Minseok mumbled bringing the blankets over his head.

(m/n)'s eye twitched in annoyance as his boyfriends body wiggled deeper under the covers of their shared bed.

(m/n) propped himself up on an elbow and stared at the blanket lump that is his boyfriend.

"Baby, are you seriously gonna make me do this?" (m/n) asked clicking his tongue.

Minseok grumbled and wiggled away more.

(m/n) rolled over and got off the bed his boyfriend not moving.

"Minseok I'm gonna give you one last chance." (m/n) said.

But of course there was no answer nor movement from his significant other.

"That's it, Kim Minseok you're going to regret it." (m/n) spoke a smile playing on his face.

(m/n) made his way over to his boyfriends side of the bed.

He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

He grabbed the covers and ripped them off the smaller male.

He quickled grabbed Minseok's ankles and dragged most of the other off the bed before picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh my God, (m/n) I'm going to fucking kill you!" Minseok screamed out pounding his fist on (m/n)'s back.

"I told you, you'd regret it." (m/n) laughed opening the door and running down the hall.

"(m/n)!" Minseok shreicked as his boyfriend basically jumped down the stairs.

Minseok's heart pounded and relief flooded over him as they landed safe on the hardwood floor below the stairs.

"Oh my God I'm alive." Minseok breathed out and his boyfriend snorted which caused Minseok to punch (m/n)'s back.

"Okay okay im sorry." (m/n) said setting his boyfriend down onto the floor.

"I hate you." Minseok said glaring at (m/n).

"I love you too." (m/n) said getting closer to Minseok.

His arms wrapped around Minseok's waist.

"Mmm hmm." Minseok hummed looking up at his (m/n)'s eyes.

(m/n) leaned in closer and Minseok pushed (m/n)'s face back.

"No I'm mad at you." Minseok spoke shaking his head.

"Baby." (m/n) whined out.

"No you horny bastard." Minseok hissed.

(m/n) pouted and his arms released Minseok's waist.

Minseok eyes scanned the clock on the wall.

8:56 AM


"I have to get ready." Minseok groaned.

Minseok took one last look at (m/n) who was still pouting.

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