Jeon Jeongguk °BTS°

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(m/n) was on his way home earlier than normal to get ready for his two-year anniversary with his boyfriend, Jeon Jeongguk.

They were going to the restaurant where they had their first date two years ago, just thinking about it made the (h/c) haired male smile to himself.

"Almost home" (m/n) mumbled as he saw his apartment complex begin to come into his view.

Glancing at his wristwatch he saw it was 3.15 p.m "3 more hours until the date" He thought as he was outside of the apartment complex.

Going inside of the apartment complex (m/n) smiled at the elderly lady sitting at the front disk.

"Hello miss Choi, how are you today?" Miss Choi smiled at the younger male as she noticed him.

"Well hello (m/n), I'm fine thanks for asking? You're early home from work today, do you have a date with your handsome boyfriend maybe?" (m/n) blushed at what she said but managed to chuckle as he gave her a nod.

"Yes, we're going on a date in a few hours, it's our two-year anniversary today" The smile on the male's face was sweet and happy making miss Choi smile at him.

"Well then a young man, then you should go get ready and not be standing here chatting with me!" Miss Choi playfully scolded him while shooing him away.

The young male could only laugh while waving at her as he began walking towards the elevator.

"Jeongguk said he would be finished with practice at 5 p.m and that he would meet me at the restaurant after that" (m/n) mumbled to himself as the elevator doors opened showing the metal and glass walls inside.

The (h/c) haired male walked inside and pressed the button showing the number 4.

Soon the doors closed and the elevator moved up.


(m/n) had cleaned the rooms and gotten ready for the date was now relaxing on the couch watching TV while waiting for the time to move faster.

The (h/c) haired male got to go home earlier than needed so he could get ready and make his messy apartment look decent.

Jeongguk didn't live with him, but the older of the two had talked with his manager, Bang-Pd and Namjoon if it was alright if Jeongguk moved in with him, and the male had gotten a yes from the three.

So after the date, he planned to ask Jeongguk if he wanted to move in with him.


(m/n) came to the restaurant 10 minutes earlier as he and Jeongguk planned to meet at 6.30 p.m when they were planning the date a week before together.

After entering the restaurant a waitress lead (m/n) to his table, where he would sit and wait for Jeongguk to come.

The clock was ticking and there was no sign from his boyfriend making (m/n) worry and get confused.

Taking his phone out he saw a picture or him and Jeongguk on the lock screen making him smile before opening the phone to send a message to the younger of the two.


Hey Kookie, where are you? :(m/n)

After he sent the message he waited, and time goes fast and soon it was almost 8 p.m.

He knew Jeongguk could be slow at answering his messages, so he waited, but soon got tired of waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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