Pale For You

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        I stormed into Equius's hive. "equihiss!" I yelled, stalking through block after block searching for him. "equihiss! where are mew?!"

        "Nepeta? Is that you? I am in the workshop. I would appreciate it if you would be careful when opening the- " 

        I threw open the door and several loose robot parts skittered across the floor. Some half-finished bots lined the edges of the block while Equius himself worked on one at his desk directly across the room from where I stood. 

        "-door. Nepeta, you know e%hibiting such poor manners in the presence of a b100b100d is ine%cusable. However, considering you seem to be in a rather foal mood at the moment we will put the lecture on hold for the time being to di%uss what is wrong." 

        I paced back and forth, my coat and tail whipping at my sharp turns. "its Ampurra! I cant stand that cr33p!" 

        "Perhaps you could go into more detail. I am still not entirely sure what transpired between the two of you and I find it hard to sympathize when I am so e%tremely far out of the 100p." 

        I stopped in front of him. "i was just hanging out with feferi on the beach playing in the sand and she k33ps getting all these messages furom Ampurra. she ignores them but he k33ps on messaging her! finally they stop and im like 'this is purrfect. we dont have to worry about him bothering us anymore.' then furom out of nowhere he storms up and starts ranting at her. so fef storms off all pissed and that just leaves me and him there. i go to leave and he starts stalking shit about me. i get mad and hiss at him and then he goes on about how we could be black or whatever!" 

      Equius frowned up at me. "Nepeta you know how I feel about such vulgar language. I won't stand for it. You'll stop. Now."

        I sat down on the ground and crossed my arms. "sorry..." I grumbled. "*ac furowns with both her mouths and lashes her tail in furustration* i am furry unhappy with mewr reaction to all this *ac says grumpily!*"

        "Well I am sorry that my reaction displeases you," Equius said, beginning to sweat a little, "but I'll have you know that my response is underwhelming merely because I trust your judgment to e100de such a character. You must continue to be STRONG and steer clear of him. Though he is a highblood, I find Amporra's continued fi%ation on the other seadweller to be...distasteful." At this, Equius began sweating more profusely. "Nepeta...although you are quite ve%ed over this particular event I was wondering if I could perhaps e%act a favor from you...a towel specifically." 

      I sighed and looked around the room, spotting a small pile of towels behind the door. I scampered over to the towels on all fours and started rummaging through the pile. "ewww equihiss! do mew have any towels that are actually dry?? mew are so gross!" 

        I glanced over at him and saw him frown and look upset. "just kidding!" I exclaimed, smiling over at him. Examining the edges of the towel pile, I spotted a mostly dry towel and grabbed it. "look heres one!" I scampered back over to him and handed him the towel. "here mew go!"

        Equius took the towel from me and gave me an awkward kind of half smile. "Thank you, Nepeta. Now that you 100k less agitated, perhaps we could address something that I've been meaning to bring up for a little while now." He dabbed his face with the towel uncertainly. 

        "*ac tilts her head in purrplexment* what is it equihiss? *she asks*" 

        Equius frowned. "Role play is f001ish and you will stop at once." 

        " *ac says as she rolls onto her back and plays with her back paws*" I said, mimicking the motions as I spoke them. 

        Equius began sweating again and quickly wiped at his face with his towel. "No, this is good. This is what I wanted to talk about. You have no regard for the b100d caste and the social etiquette that accompanies it. You need someone to 100k out for you, a moirail if you will. I believe I could fill this role e%ceptionally."

        I gasped in surprise. "equihis...are mew saying mewre pale fur me??" 


        "i accept!! *ac pounces on her new meowrail* im pale fur mew too!!" Pouncing up on Equius, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.  

        Equius ignored my role play and smiled. Careful not to hurt me, he gently wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. 

        I pulled away so I could see his face and beamed at him. "meowrails furefur!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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