The more the merrier

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Me: Hey P, just a quick update about that new match. I decided to call him and he picked up right away, then he talked and his voice sounded so pure. I don't know how to explain it so next time I come I'll have to call him again. He talked about training so I think he may be a gym junky. Talk soon!

It was only 10:00 in the morning and I already feel like have accomplished more today than I have for the past week. I went out, was social and called/met someone new. What a good way to start the day. I know I said I would do stuff around the house but I can't be bothered right now so instead I think I'm going to go on my computer and practise my coding/hacking skills. I know it's not a very popular thing to do but ever since I got my first computer, I couldn't stop. I know it may sound strange but it sort of relaxes me. I used to hack into my old schools data base and change a bunch of their budgeting decisions. How do you think the computer lab stayed open for so long with only 3 students?

I was in my own zone for so long that I didn't even realise how many hours had passed me by. I probably would've stayed in that zone for a while longer if it wasn't for my phone buzzing. I looked up from my computer for the first time in ages and grabbed it off the table near by. A notification form C.C.L came up. It was Leo! He had messaged me again! I nearly slammed my computer shut and opened up the app.

Leo: hey 👋🏻

Me: Good morning!

Leo: Don't you mean afternoon?

I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked up at the clock on my wall. How was it already 3:27pm!

Me: Whoops..was in my own little world for a while, guess I was out of it longer than I thought.

Leo: It's fine. That sometimes happens to me when I meditate.

Mediate? Is he like a hippie or something?

Me: I don't know if this is a rude thing to ask, but are you a hippie?

I really hope that wasn't rude. I just had to know though. It's not like it would be a problem if he was.

Leo: I can safely say I am not a hippie. I just do it to clear my mind.

It doesn't seem like I offended him so we are all good.

Me: I bet you would have to do that a lot considering you are always dealing with those brother of yours.

Leo: Yeah they are defiantly a handful. Especially the second oldest. He is always getting on my back.

That must suck. I wouldn't know, being an only child and all but I could imagine. Though I recon it would be a tiny bit funny to watch. I can just imaging his brother ganging up on him.

Me: What's his name?

Maybe that was too personal.After all we don't really know each other that well so he might not be comfortable talking to me about his family.

Leo: I'll tell you later on. I sorta want to protect my families privacy. Sorry.

Leo's POV

She asked for Raph's name. If he didn't have the app as well I probably would've told her what it was, but since he does I can't risk her finding his account. What if she likes him more than me? The excuse I gave her seemed alright so I just hope she goes with it.

(Y/n): Don't worry about it. I understand how important privacy can be and the fact this is like the second time ever talking to me.

Oh good! She took the excuse! Now just to change the subject.

Me: So..have you ever heard of a show called Space Hero's?

Great one. Was that seriously all you could think off? Now she is going to think you are childish.

(Y/n): I can't say I have. Is it any good?

Welp. Here goes nothing.

Donnie's POV

Another successful experiment down! I am on a roll!

Standing up from my desk for the first since training felt so good. I made my way through the lair while stretching my legs and saw Leo on the couch smiling to himself. Wonder what that's about? I decided to investigate further and snuck up behind him. He must be really distracted because normally he would have heard me. I kneeled and looked over his shoulder and to his T-phone. He was texting a girl! This must be the girl he had matched with but never tells us about. I continued reading his texts and noticed that he was going on about Space Hero's. That poor girl. I looked at the name of the girl at the top of the screen.
I went onto my T-phone and onto C.C.L and searched her up. She came up instantly. I looked over her profile and saw her picture. She was really pretty. I mean, don't get me wrong she wasn't April pretty, but since April rejected me for Casey and my brothers keep going on constantly about how I should move on I suppose she is a very good second best.

I stood up and quietly went back to my lab, sitting down again. I tapped on the message bar and stared at it for a while.
What would I say? Should I say anything?
I feel a little bad. I mean it was Leo's match and all but if she can put up with him talking about Space Hero's, then she could put up with me talking about my science projects and experiments. That's a girl I have to try and go after. After a long while I finally got to courage to message her. I have to sound as cool as possible but not too cool and smart but not too smart; I can't scare her off. First impressions are everything. it goes.

Me: Hi

That's all I could send. I'm sure if it was in person it would have been accompanied by a voice crack. I just hope she replies.

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