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I grew up in this small tone , when I was little I use to get bullied a lot I mean yeah I was a little chubby back then but my mom use to always tell me "Be a beautiful cupcake in a world full
of muffins" hahaha my mom was so silly she was everything to me she would always make me feel better about my self. When I turned 18 we had to move out of the small tone we ain't have enough money to pay our bills we was going through it .... until my sweet gramma found out we was on the streets for 3 days she lived up in New York so we moved up there to , see her she welcomed us in her warm sweet home I loved my gramma so much she was always a sweet lady and was helpful too others. I graduated MTC school up in New York I was becoming a women but yeah now it was time for me to get a job I found this job it was construction work that's the only job I could find. 2 mouths later I quit haha didn't like it. I have to of the most sweetest friends name Jamee and Ciara we grew up
Together we was so close of friends. My friends use to always tell me I would be good at modeling, they said I had the perfect body. "Girl you ain't got nothing else too do just model" Ciara said , but I said to myself , I don't think I should do it , but I did it anyways haha. I'm finally 23 ha ha that's when i was really a baddie and that's when i thought of modeling. First I started modeling at home , but I didn't like it. So I went to this lady I found on Instagram, she new all about modeling so she signed me up for modeling her name was Ms. Kim she was an old black lady , I mean older than me probably in her early 30's she was so kind and sweet. I started to love modeling it was becoming my passion I loved it. 4 mouths in to modeling , one night it was late and I was so tired because I was taking pictures so late , I got done around 11:30 I was Exhausted. I was driving home and I notice a coffee shop so I went there , I go in and I sit I order a black coffee but with cream on the side and sugar, as I was leaving the coffee shop , I accidentally bomb this guy I had some of my photos he had some of his work stuff to and we both dropped our things and there where all mix together. I told him " I am truly sorry , I'm a little tired haha" , he says " It's find I totally understand" ,. As we where done picking up our things he noticed one of my photo he picks it up and says " this you, wow your quite looking sexy you model?" He said, I said " yes I do I've been modeling for 4 mouths now" , he asked me " What's your name?" I said "Selena" he said I had a beautiful name " Oh my name is Cater" he was so fine he shook my hand I felt a quite tingle , he was just so fine kinda reminded me of the actor Robert Ri'chard , but Robert had blue eyes but Cater had brown ,green Hazel eyes and his smile was everything and he smelled so good. We had a little talk and we gave each other our numbers and we said our goodbyes. The next day he showed up at my job I was so happy to see him , he said " After your shoot wanna go get lunch " I said " of course " . I've known this man for a month now he's so sweet and kind. It was a Saturday night he was calling me "ringringringring" my phone was so loud I was just getting done taking a shower I picked it up it's him " Wanna come over my place tonight, I can make you dinner" I said " oh ok I'll get ready to come over just got out of the shower anyways, See you later" Click I hung up the phone and got ready really quickly I put on this red above knee dress and these clear sliver shoes I spayed on my Victoria Secret perfume on and did my hair and everything. So I arrive at his house he welcomes me in his house with a big hug as I was walking in I smell something so good I ask " Mmmmh what's that smell " he said " oh that's just something I'm wiping up in the kitchen haha, wanna join me" I said " Ok I will ". We got done eating and talking laughing and smiling we had the greatest time , in my mind i never thought that I would find somebody like him my last boyfriends was terrible 2 of them cheated on me and one just used me my love life sucked but after meeting cater all that was over. We're watching tv and all of a sudden I feel his hand touching one of my thighs, he leans in for a kiss and we started making out , and can't tell you the rest of what happened that not haha. The next morning I wake up finding myself in his bed he comes to me with breakfast in his hand,  and a rose on the tray no man as ever done this for me I was so happy with him , he says " Morning gorgeous I made you this" I said " ohh thank you cater". As I was eating in bed I noticed my whole body was just SKIN had nothing on and I was quite cold, as I was eating his just staring I ask " What Cater" he says " Oh nothing your just so beautiful, it's hard for me to look away" I said " Aww Cater your so sweet . I was headed my way home I was so happy about last night. Next week Saturday night, we was headed home after dinner when suddenly we ran out of gas , so we seen a gas station near by Cater says " Wait here baby I'll be right back " I said " oh ok Cater " so Cater enters the gas station. This man comes to the car and asks me " who car is this I love it who's the owner" I said " Ohh my boyfriends when he gets out the gas station you can tal-" I see Cater whole arm grab the man by his neck he throws him on the ground and kicks him and punches him over and over again I'm yelling " STOPP CATER YOUR HURTING HIM STOPP NOW!!!!!l" I tried to get him
off of him but I couldn't so I screamed the finale word " STOPP!!" As he try's to hit him with another punch he stops and turns and look at me and says " GET IN THE CAR NOW!!!" He yelled , I said " Ok Cater " he gets in the car and as where driving it's complete silence in the car , until I ask him " I don't want to go to your house no more Cater take me home please I don't feel good " I lied to get away from him because I was terrified of what he might do next he says "Ok" just like that with no other words behind it. He makes a U turn and headed to my house. As we pull up to my house I try quickly getting out of the car " I love you Selena" he says I said " Love you to Cater" and I gave him a big hug and a huge kiss and said goodnight. I haven't talked to Cater in 2 days he showed up at my work where i model at , one of my friends I work with said " Selena is that your man over there" I said " yess I would be right back " I walk up to Cater he says " where have you been Selena I was worried you haven't been answer my calls or text , is something wrong?" I said " ohh it's ok Cater I've just been business on work you now" he says " business enough to not answer your own man" he asks me " is this about the other night Selena I'm sorry , but I ain't want anybody hurting you " he said , I said " But all the man was doing was just asking about your car he said he looked nice , and he was not trying to hurt me that man was nice and kind he was even 3 inches away from my window" I said Cater said " But I'm sor-" I cut him off and said " You now what let's just talk about this later please , just come over my place tonight ok I'll see you later" and I gave him a kiss he said " I love you " I said " I love you more Cater" and I walks away to continue my modeling. Night has come he comes over she says " let's go out to eat I said " ok Cater " so we headed to a restaurant. We walk in we sign in and sit ," Don't this place look good and smells good haha" I said " it sure does haha". The waiter comes the waiter is a tall dark fine man but nothing like Cater he comes and says" may I take y'all's order please" I said what I wanted and cater said what he wanted , the tall dark fine waiter kindly takes the menu out my hand and gives me the biggest smile his smile was so beautiful and I gave him one back Cater seemed a little jealous he asks me " What was all that about Selena huh?" I said " what is you talking about Cater that man was nice and kind claim down " he yelled " DON'T  TELL ME TO CLAIM DOWM GIRL!!!!"  Cater gets up and walks in front of the waiter and yells " AHH YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY WOMEN , SHES TAKEN YOU HEARD ME!!!!" The waiter started laughing and said " claim down your wasting your time on me just have a nice dinner with your lady man" the waiter said. As we got done eating the waiter gave us the bill but he gave me a note while Cater was in the bathroom and he says so gentle "Have a wonderful night" I said thanks you to . I ain't read the note until I got home. Cater drop me home, I enter my house and then I get into the shower , I got done so I put on some baby blue shorts and a white t-shirt and read the note it said " hey , my name is Michael but you can call me mick , yeah I know you have a man but if you need any thing give me a call I mean anything" he gave me his number it was so random. The next day me and Cater went to this party. And we had so much fun we went to the bar and got some drinks cater says " I'll be right back" so he left me lonely at the bar , I see a familiar face across the dance floor it's michael I said yelling " MICHAEL IS THAT YOU , COME OVER HERE" I said Michael said " your looking so beautiful tonight" I said " thank you Michael" Cater comes back yelling "YOU AGIAN , WHATS THIS NIGGA DOING IN YOUR FACE I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU JUST WANT LISTEN!!!!"
Cater swings at Michael and they started fighting I'm telling them " STOPP!!!!"  too of these men picks them up from off each other Cater says " this ain't over". We're driving home we get to my house and cater yells " WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO NICE TO THESE NIGGAS FOR HUH" I yelled back " OHH WHAT A STUPID ASS QUESTION" Cater looks at me and SLAP! he slap me he said " DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN" I yelled back at Cater " YOUR CRAZY WE'RE DONE CATER I DONT WANT YOU ANYMORE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS NOW!!!!" He said "Ohh you really think you saying cops gon scare me , you ain't going no where your mine for ever" . When he said those words I new he was delusional and crazy I was thinking to my self what have I gotten myself into. I yelled back " LEAVE NOW CATER" he said "Ok ok ok" laughing out loud, left and I was scared to go to bed I was so scared of Cater so I had to call Michael to stay with me tonight. He arrived at my house I told him my address, I told him what happened and he gave me a big warm hug he smelled so good after hugging me he gave me a kiss on my forehead and then my cheeks and then my chin and finally kissed my lips. The next morning, I was covered in just my SKIN again I wasn't drunk but I ain't realize we would end up in my bed haha, "Good morning Selena" he said with a big smile he said "Get up I have to take you somewhere" I said "Ok but let me get dress in to something nice " Michael said " No No there's no need for dressing up nice wear something decent this time" I said " Oh well ok I'll be right back" I enter my closet and I put on this white flower dress with pink and yellow and orange flower with my sliver clear heels "how I look Michael" he says" Wow you look amazing and beautiful" I said with a big smile " Thank you Michael". I ain't now where we were going as his driving he gives me a big smile when every time he smiles it melts my heart but I new I wasn't inlove. He walks me to the place because he has me blind flooded so I couldn't see a thing, I hear waves it must have been the beach haha , he takes my blind flood off "SURPRISE" he said I wanted to cry off of what I saw it was a dinner table at the beach with lit candles and good food and strawberries, "OMG MICHAEL I LOVE IT AND IT LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL OUT HERE AWWW MICHAEL THANK YOU" he said " no problem Selena you needed this you earned this ". As we where siting at the table eating we had a long conversation about life and what things we love and all of that stuff we laugh most of the time haha, as we got done eating, we walked on the beach water and kept talking about life the waves going to my ears felt amazing and the sun was going done was so beautiful " Michael thanks for everything, your such a good person" I gave him a small kiss on the lips "Your welcome Selena" with that smile again. He drop me home and we said our good bye's I haven't heard from Cater for 5 days , I enter my home and drop my heels laying on my couch texting Michael, I hear a loud knock on my door, I was so scared so I called Michael and said come back to my house I think caters here. I opened the door nobody was there , a arm grabs me by my neck from behind and puts something over my face to make me fall asleep. I walk up 3 minuets later and I see Cater starring at me with an evil look I was tied up and my mouth was shut with tap " mmmmmmmaaahh" I said he couldn't under stand me he was laughing at me " Ohh Selena so you was cheating on me huh i now you was Selena all I was trying to do was love you , AND PROTECT YOUR ASS!!!! he yelled " if I can't have you no other man can " he said I was so scared that my life might end tonight he had a gun in his hand. He kneeled down and gave me a kiss on my thigh I moved with disgust I couldn't even look at Cater , a loud knock out the door calling my name " SELENA WHERE ARE YOU SELENA OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE" that had to be Michael " Ohh mr lover boy is at the door ha I'll answer it" I was so scared for Michael , Cater still had that gun in his hand. "Ding dong" "OPEN THE DOOR SELENA" the door opens he enters but doesn't see anybody "Hello , selena where are yo-" BOMB
Cater try's to hit Michael but happily he missed they where fighting up stares mean while I'm trying to get out of this tap I see a table by me with an nail sticking out of it I used it to rip the tap off I was finally free , I ran up stares so fast I see them fighting the gun slides my way I picked it up and i rises it towards Cater I said "HEYY CATER" he turns around "YOU SON OF A BITCH" I shoot as the bullet goes across the room it targets his stomach BOMM!!!! a loud sound before I new I have killed Cater it was my first times using a gun I was shaking and blood was everywhere mean while I see Michael walk up to me and says " It's not your fought you did the right thing" I cried and cried I was in a pool full of my own tears. The police and ambulance shows up to my house Michael was talking to the cops and I was sitting on the curve of the street and I see Cater body covered in a black bag I was so scared and felt bad off of what I just did tonight but I new it was right.
Almost a year into me and Michael relationship I new he was the right one I new that I would spend the rest of my life with him a few months later he Proposed to me at my Job in front of everybody I was shook his words where " Selena Johnson , i love you with all my heart i love holding you through the night and I love making sure your safe and don't have to worry about a thing I Love you , will you marry me" I cried and said " Yesss Michael I will" every body was happy for us they cheered I yelled out "YESSS IM GETTING MARRIED AAAAHH" everybody was laughing and was happy even my going to be husband. We got married on our favorite place to go the beach the first date I had with him we celebrated we danced my mom was there and my family and his family, as I was dancing I looked and saw my mom whisper to me "-YOU DID IT , LOVE YOU MY PRINCESS-" I said back "-LOVE YOU TOO-".

Well that was my story , I learned to not fall inlove so fast and too not be a shame of who I am I found my self in this situation strangely, I have a lovely husband now and a beautiful family I couldn't ask for anything thanks to god. LOVE.GLORE.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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