Chapter 1: The Morning of the Interview

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*Wakes up and slap the alarm clock off the table, it shatters.*

"Are you kidding me. This is my last hecking alarm clock, how am I supposed to get up now?!"

I woke up this morning, facing the hardest choice I've ever had to make in my life. Do I get a new alarm clock, or do I pay the rent? I shouldn't have to be making these decisions when i'm 19 years old, if only my parents actually helped me out once in a while. After I left home they went on a cruise straight away because they didn't want to, quote, "deal with this shit anymore". 

I'm slightly offended, but I quickly forgot it because I suddenly started looking at the clouds for no apparent reason. Oh yeah, I have an interview today at the Hirahara company. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my hair quickly, then, I went to the kitchen to grab an orange. I dashed out the door into my- wait - I'm still in my pajamas. Damn it. I slip my "professional clothes" on, and once again, I dashed out to my car. After 5 minutes I came across a red light.

"Yes, finally I can eat my breakfast"

I peel my orange slowly and discover it's shriveled up inside. I glare at it for a few seconds and drop it. I lean my head back and let out a heavy grunt, because of course that solves all my problems (not really). I pull up to the parking lot of the company 20 minutes early, thank goodness because I have to put my makeup on. Now I have 10 minutes to spare, and the interview place is just a minute away. I grab a sandwich from a tray in the waiting area, which was pretty convenient. What surprised me though, was that the little card said they had been put out just 5 minutes ago, but there was only 2 left. The only person I could think of who would have done this is- Receptionist: "_____ it's time for your interview!" I turn around and walk into the meeting room.

Thoughts: "Holy shit who's that hot blonde guy at the end of the table? ..Sang Chul Kim? Wow what a hottie."

I sit down, my cheeks as red as pasta sauce. He stares at me. 

Sang Chul: " Why are you so red?" he giggles.

Whoa that was so cute. 

I couldn't think of anything to respond to him with so I blurted out "Noodles."

Sang Chul: "Oh, so you were thinking about me-? How cute~"

(To be continued in next chapter)

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