The late night Singularity

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Reader POV

It was 11.30 pm. The shower was refreshing, I was in such a mood for good music and wine. I went to my kitchen and picked out the John Cellars Chardonnay, pulled out a wine glass, and hummed my way to the living room. Having worn just my soft bathrobe, I placed the bottle and glass on the side table and switched on the stereo. Taehyung and I have been spending a lot of time lately, but that in no way means that I get enough of his deep husky voice. I put on 'Singularity' and swayed to the slow beats, trying to emulate those sexy stares and quick leg work. As the song hit the bridge, I poured myself some wine and sipped it in glee. What a way to spend a night all by yourself. I have lived alone for about 2 months, but I hardly got the time to indulge in the little pleasures of my humble abode. South Korea had been challenging, but the friendly workplace and my growing friendship with Tae – that's how I like to call him in my head - has helped me stay focused and content. As the piano beats hit gently behind Tae's surreal voice, I couldn't help but let out a moan. He has been my bias ever since I discovered BTS and now that he is my friend, I feel shy to express how much I have adored him all these years. I couldn't keep that facade on when I was alone, it was too much! As he hit the high notes at the close of the song, my eyes were shut, murmuring "God, he is sooo good." The song ended and I was a wreck. "Fuck, I need more of thissss..." is what I said out loud as I put the song on repeat. Seconds into the trance that the song had put me in once again, I heard my phone vibrate. I saw the caller and let out a gasp, 'Taehyung?'

I immediately picked up the call, my heart fluttering. "Hey, I thought you would be aslee-"

"Open the door Y/N" he said.

My eyes widened and I was dumb folded, 'What did he just say?!'

"Eh... what?!" I croaked.

"Just open the door" he said softly.

My heart skipped a few beats as I opened the door. 'Could he really be on the other side at this hour?' I questioned myself. Soon enough, I saw Taehyung standing in front of me, resting his elbow at the side of the door frame, with his arm covering his forehead. I just stared at his beautiful eyes and let out a deep breath, I could see his piercing gaze at me, his other hand in his pocket. I can vouch that I have never found anyone or anything sexier in my life.

"Start the song again..." he said with such silkiness and confidence, as he began walking towards me.

I took a couple of steps back in surprise and pointed my remote to the stereo. My hands were shaking as I pressed the replay button, my heart and mind not in sync. 'He is really here... He is so beautiful... Why does he look so serious, what is happening?!'

From the corner of my eye, I caught him swiftly remove his jacket and toss it to the floor. As Singularity began again, I felt a hand cup my waist and, just like that, he pulled me towards him. He was singing the song with such intensity, as he gazed into my eyes. I felt my fingers intertwine with his free hand, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. His nose was inches away from mine, not to mention our lips. As I saw his gaze trail to my lips, my cheeks heated up and my stomach somersaulted like a gymnast. Without warning, he pulled out his fingers from mine, giving a crooked smirk, the one I have died for every single time. His hand then held my chin and drew my face closer to his, as he kept singing the song. My mind was blacking out, heart racing like I would have a heart attack any moment. He closed his eyes and let out a smile as he let go of me and broke into the swift dance moves. I just stood there, taking in every second of his perfect moves, his perfect face and perfect voice. As the tempo of the song slowed down, he came close to me again, running his fingers across my arms in tune with the piano beats. He seems so satisfied, his gaze so intense that I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. I wanted to squeal, scream and jump with joy, but he kept me so mesmerized, sending a tingling sensation down my spine. As he hit those high notes, he seemed so utterly graceful and sexy, I felt like I was the only woman he cared about and he was serenading me. He playfully stroked my chin as he cupped my waist again, singing the final line of the song. He let out a deep breath once he was finished, placing his forehead over mine with his eyes shut. All I wanted to do was kiss him, tell him how much I loved it, how much I wanted him to be mine. But I gained some control over my senses and placed my hands on his broad shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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