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Guess what time it is? Story time! I'm back. Today was somewhat stressful... but now I get to relax for the rest of the day. 

This morning I went out to get new glasses, and my mum didn't want to spend tons, so we could only pick from the cheapest "2 for x amount of money" deal. We went to two different stores, and I didn't really like any of the glasses in the sections, and the selection was pretty small. My mum and I were both tired and stressed, because we were on somewhat of a time limit. That never ends well. We went to the flower shop to pick up a delivery that we had missed, and then we went to our last option. Fortunately, we found a 2 pair for $69.95, and the glasses were cute! So today was pretty successful, besides the fact that it took us three tries to get there.  

Does anyone want me to write any ships or maybe want me to do some asks? I can make an "Askthetic" story where I post a list of questions you guys can pick from, and then I'll answer them? I dunno, what do you want me to do next?

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