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Name and age?Allie, and between 0 and 100.

Do you see writing as a career? Yes.

How did you find Wattpad? I searched into google "good writing sites" and this popped up. xD

Favorite Wattpad Genre/s in reading ad writing: Horror, mystery, fiction, romance. But I'll read pretty much anything, if I think it's good.

Favorite Wattpad Writer/s: Um, I don't really have a favorite. I like a lot of writers on here, so it wouldn't be fair to just name a few. :)

Can you relate to any of your stories? Not really xD My life is boring.

Favorite Published Writer/s: Don't have one.

Favorite Published Book/s: Again, don't have one.

Who's your favorite character in one of your stories.Why? Hum.. I guess my character April in my story, Death By Chocolate. She's kinda mean and stubborn and sarcastic, a lot like me. She's also very dramatic, and I'm told often that I'm overly-dramatic. ;P But she has a kind of kind spirit inside, but you have to get to know her before she's nice.

Are you more of a reader or a writer? I write and read the same amounts.

How long have you been writing? Ever since I can remember. :)

Who/What inspires you to write? My brain and imagination. I really like to daydream a lot. I also write about my memories and things that have actually happened to me, and I'll just turn them into more exciting things.

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