Knock Out

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It did not take me long to pack everything I thought I would need and leave the compound. I grabbed my travel vest, my two guns, my knives, a map, and my backpack. Everything I needed for this trip.

According to General Wallis as long as I traveled south, I would reach South Peaken in three or four days, if I had no complications pop up.

I had reached the edge of Pridestorm Desert in less than six hours. With the rate that I was traveling, by foot mind you, I would reach South Peaken in two and a half days.

This trip should have been a quick trip, but I did not plan on getting hit in the back of the head a mile and a half inside of the Desert.

I had stopped to take a break, to possibly rest for the day when I was ambushed. Now, as spies we are trained to be aware of our surroundings and to sense danger before others can. But with exhaustion can come lack of a clear mind.

So, when I stopped to rest for the day, when the sun started to set, I did not see the guy with a red jacket sneak up behind me until it was too late.

When I woke up, it was pitch black outside. I figure that I have probably been out for at least three or four hours. I wasn't physically hurt, but I had a good size lump on my head. I check my person to see if anything was taken, but I still had everything I left with.

I took my flashlight out of my backpack and looked around at my surroundings. I did not recognize where I was, which means that whoever knocked me out drug me from my path.

I looked around, trying to find a trail of where I was drug from but whoever this person was, was a serious professional. They didn't leave any kind of trail for me to follow.

Shit! Now, I am screwed.

What I cannot seem to figure out is how they knew I was out here. This mission was supposed to be top secret. No one but me, General Wallis and the few other selected people under his command would have known about my mission. That would mean... there is a Mole within the grounds.

What I can't figure out is why would someone from our own side hit me in the back of my head and leave me stranded in the desert? Why didn't they just kill me when they had me while I was unconscious?

I need to get back to camp to warn General Wallis about the mole. The only problem is that I had no idea where I was and like I said before, the trail is gone. The only thing I knew was that I was still in the Pridestorm Desert.

I guess I could always wait until morning to see if I could find my location on the map. But first thing is first, I am hungry, and I need food.

I opened my backpack to check to see what kind of food I had left. That was when I realized I actually was robbed. They may not have taken anything of importance, but they definitely took my food... and my water!

"Son of a bitch!" I cursed. "Who the fuck took my food?!"

Everyone back at camp knew that if you took my food and I caught you, which I normally would, I would beat the shit out of them.

When I find out who took my food, I am going to fucking kill them.

Sighing, I sat down. I guess it was time for me to get rational.

What kind of animals survives in the desert? I guess I should ask what kind of animal would be easy to catch at night?

Thinking back to what I have read about animals in Pridestorm Desert, I remembered one main animal: the Black Tailed Jackrabbit.

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