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      A lone tear slides down your cheek and you quickly wipe it off your face as you sit beside Erica on the lunch table.      
     You've been crying for months after you broke up with your cheating boyfriend and everyone's trying to cheer you up.

     You silently eat your salad as Erica just look at you with a sad expression.

     Finally after witnessing your silent treatment, she calls your name. You look up to her and you saw her face filled with worry.
      You just smile at her, but it turns out like a thin line on you face. Then, you turn back to your salad as she simply sighs in defeat.

       Boyd sits beside you, facing the sad blonde.



"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"

"Broken pencil"

        You sigh as you heard this joke before.

"Broken pencil who?"

"Nevermind it's poi-"
"I appreciate both of you for trying, but that will never work" You turned your attention back to your salad as the silence follows.

        You notice Isaac sits across from you as he smiles sadly at everyone.

"Not you, too" Erica says.

Boyd smirks at Erica.

"Now we have to cheer up two girls" Boyd snickers, but it turned to laughter when Isaac punches Boyd's shoulder.

"Shut up" You heard Isaac say.


        You are heading to the storage room, because Mr.Harris wants to let you get something for him.

        As you were walking to the storage room, you hear a faint sound behind you.

        You look behind you, looking an empty hallway.

        You continued your journey to the storage room as you shrug it off.  Thinking that it might be just your strong senses.

        The door creaks as you open the door which shows a dark room behind it.
        You turn to find the switch and you switched it to on.

         But to no avail, the switch is broken which made you sigh hopelessly.

         The only thing you have to find is an extra flask, since Stiles broke one.

          You approach to the boxes which you thought the lab apparatus will be placed.

          You reach for the box which was unfortunately, out of your reach.

"Let me help you"

          You jump as you hear a familliar voice behind you. You turn around, facing Isaac.

"I'm fine, Isaac. You can just leave this up to me."

          Isaac chuckles as he walk towards you. You move backwards as you felt your back touch the boxes.

"Well, judging by your height, you desperately need my help"

         He reaches the box at the top and he gives the box to you with a smile.

"Thanks" You smile back, looking down to do your assigned task.

         You grasp a single flask, while putting down the box you are holding on the floor.

"Let me help you" Isaac says, taking the flask from your hands.

         You pick up the box filled with the lab apparatus and you gave it to Isaac as he gives you the flask.

         He returns the box from its place and look back at you with an unreadable expression.

         The awkward silence made you uncomfortable, so you slightly smile at him.

"Thanks for helping me, again" You say as you tried to escape the awkwardness by leaving the room.

"(Y/n), wait!" Isaac calls your name, a little louder than intended.

        You face back to him, the flask still in your hand.

         He clears his throat and walks towards you, closing the distance in every step.

"I know that you just had your break up, but I just wanted to let you know – " He stops right in front of you.

        Before you could react, he wraps his arms around you.

        You stand there, all frozen, with a blank mind.

        "I like you"
        The three words that caused an impact to you. It hurts, but in some way, it felt great.

       Without thinking about it, you hug him back, with a smile. The first truest smile that you made after the break up.

        He was startled but he came back from his senses and he lets you go.

        You awkwardly stand there, in a room filled with silence.

        You try to look up to him, but you couldn't so you just went straight for the door.

        But before you can leave, you stop and smile.






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