A Lahey Christmas

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"Hi Mama!" One of your kids, Alice, wraps her tiny arms around your waist as you were cooking dinner.

"Hi Ali, where's daddy?"

"Daddy's fixing the car and the boys are hewping"

You chuckle at her cuteness and you nod slightly, giving her a small kiss on her forehead. "Call your brothers and dad, tell them dinner's almost ready"

"Owkay!" She happily skips to the garage to call the boys.

You smile a little bit, placing the food on neatly decorated plates.

Someone wraps their arms around your waist, their breath tickling you neck. "Hey Honey" Isaac whispers in your ear and gives you a small peck on the lips.

Your three children giggling and whining, hinting for you to stop being lovey dovey.

"Yeah yeah" Isaac laughs as he let go of you and attacks them with tickles. The entire room is filled with high-pitched giggles and laughter, accompanied by lots of footsteps.

"Guys, guys, calm down. The others will be here soon" They all stop and frowns appear on their faces. All of you sit down and eat dinner silently.

You notice your children still frowning while they're eating their food.

"If you guys won't smile..." You trail of with a sly smirk.

"There won't be any snowball fights with your cousins"

Your childrens' face lighten up as they eat.

"You sly, sly fox" Isaac smirks and chuckles.

"You love me"

"That I do"


The door suddenly opens with force, revealing an ever so familiar face.

"Guess who's here!" Stiles yells.

The door was opened so hard that it collided on the concrete wall, bouncing back causing the door to close on his face.

You all stare blankly, then the door opens again, gently this time.

"Sorry 'bout that" Stiles giggles, wrapping his arms around Derek's waist.

"No worries" You smile widely towards smiles.

Few more of your friends arrived. Your children went out the backyard to play with their cousins in the snow.

The night ended with a few drinks, snowball fights, snow angels, and passing out in the couches and floor due to exhaustion.

You could say it was a Merry Christmas for the Laheys.


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