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Wow... I didn't expect the results of the last poll, but it seems like you guys are pretty evenly split between the Order and the Jackers! The Jackers are definitely some of my less charismatic villains, so I'm honestly very surprised. But the Order hasn't done anything very heroic yet either... they will in the near future, though, so stay tuned!

Chapter poll: Which elite Order warrior? 

Princess Juliana VanderSchee


Lord Roy Evarbor


"This can only mean one thing: the Jackers have an informer in our midst. Someone who is probably in this room right now," Roy concluded, looking around with a bit of formal mistrust in his eye. For the first time since he'd entered the room, Chase saw a hint of emotion flash across the King's face. His graying brows furrowed as he gave Roy a concerned look. 

"Thank you, High Commander Evarbor," he said in acknowledgment, thinking. "That is cause for great concern, indeed. The situation seems more precarious than we initially thought. We are strongly considering the activation of some of our more... powerful offensive measures." 

A long, awkward silence ensued. Clearly, the Order did not usually engage in offensive measures. "Does Your Majesty speak of... Project PROB?" Roy's father finally spoke, shooting the King a surprised glance. "But that has not been active in centuries!" 

"Our enemies have not had the Power in centuries, Lord Evarbor!" the King countered, his hands tightening into fists on the hardwood table in front of him. "The Eagle now has the ability to train an army. We must do the same if we are to protect this world from his advances." 

"Understood, Your Majesty, but...we are not so young anymore," Lord Evarbor sighed, looking down at his lap. "Our days of glory in the field are far behind us. What chance will we old aristocrats stand against the young, freshly trained warriors the Eagle is sure to radicalize?"

"Us?" the King chuckled. "What ever gave you that absurd idea? If we are to activate Project PROB- and that is an if, mind you- it would be they who would fill its leading roles." Chase felt a surge of panic shoot through him as the King looked up at the back row where he, Juliana, Roy, and Hayley sat. Juliana's eyes gleamed with curious pleasure while Hayley perked up in her seat. Roy looked mortified. 

"Your Majesty, we are still teenagers! Hayley is practically a child," Roy jumped up from his seat, ignoring the other Order members around him who balked at this blatant breach of protocol. 

"I'm just two years younger than him..." Hayley muttered under her breath. 

"Putting us into Project PROB, of which we know nothing other than what we've read in history books, before we've even had the chance to complete our educations would practically be suicidal! Imagine the plight of the Order if, God forbid, something were to happen to all of us at the same time. Hayley, Chase, and I have younger siblings but I must remind Your Majesty that Juliana does not." 

"You selfish prick!" Juliana hissed in his ear as he sat down. "You've been given the chance to step into the greatest legend of your childhood with your own two feet and you question the risks? The risks are a part of who we are. Sometimes the probs will never be low enough, and we just have to learn to accept that."

"Look, I know you're fixated on dying a heroic death, but I must admit that I would rather stay alive," Roy crossed his arms. "Project PROB? You're not even eighteen..." he trailed off with a soft 'hmph'. 

"All fair considerations, High Commander Evarbor," the King nodded slowly, thinking. "Juliana, dear, I believe our most recent proposal is quite compatible with your, er, research. Why don't we start with a few introductions. You can show your fellow heirs around the facility after this meeting- I am sure that at least one of them will find it most enlightening," he smiled, making eye contact with Chase. 

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