ch 11

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Ch. 11

Kaylen’s POV

“My girlfriend.” Liam stated.

I felt anger course through my veins. Danielle, one of my closest friends, was supposed to be his girlfriend of two years. Who in the living fuck was Nicole!

“WHAT ABOUT DANIELLE!” I yelled to Liam over Niall after swallowing my bite of food. Niall looked at me, clearly shocked and caught of guard.

“Fuck…” Liam muttered to himself.

“SO THAT’S WHY YOU SAID LIAM HAD DANIELLE THE OTHER DAY?” Niall interrupted Liam, looking at me.

“Well,” my voice softened when I turned to face Niall, since none of this was his fault. “yes. Last I heard Liam and Danielle were still together!” My voice rose and I was no looking at my brother who was fiddling with this thumbs. “What the fuck is going on Liam.” I demanded. He took a shallow breath.

“Danielle and I broke up months ago. Eight months to be exact. She cheated on me Kay… Luckily we’ve hid out falling out from the press but we’re going to inform the public once her performance at the Olympics is done with. We agreed on it. I’m sorry Kaylen” I shook my head, not very angry at Li anymore, but unable to believe what I had just heard.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” I asked my voice quieter than expected. Liam opened his mouth to say something, but Niall beat him to it once again.

“I thought you were just mistaken, and didn’t feel the need to correct you. Plus none of us knew about Nicole till right now. Congrats by the way, mate.” He said patting my hand making sure I wasn’t upset with him and then sending a small smile Liam’s way. I looked around the table. Zayn was still, looking at me carefully. I gave him a shrug and mustered a smile and I could see him relax a bit. Louis was looking between Liam and me, obviously concerned about us both. Harry’s eyebrows were tightly knit as he took in my every emotion. He caught my eye and puckered his lips, quickly unpuckering them afterwards, sending me a kiss. I smiled and the caught a look at Jess, teary eyed and worried. She hated seeing me upset, and just like me, probably didn’t love the idea of Danielle and Liam being no more. I was torn from my thoughts as Liam started to talk.

“Thanks Nialler. We, Danielle and I, didn’t tell you because we know how much we both mean to you. You and Danielle met through dance and has treated you like a sister, we didn’t think the idea of her cheating on your only brother would sit with you well.” I sighed knowing he had good intentions. I was about to reply to him when he spoke again.

“I did what I did to protect you. I love you Kaymie” He said.

“You don’t have to protect me.” I spat, venom flying off tongue before I even realized what I was mad at. Harry didn’t want to make anything official because he was afraid of having issues with Liam. He was in my way of a true relationship with Harry. One where we could go out in the daylight and hold hands, one where fans would follow me on twitter and hate on me and love me, but it wouldn’t matter because Harry was mine.

“What?” Liam asked, confused. “You’re my younger sister of course I do!”

“No, you don’t! Stop trying to spare my feelings; you’re just making things worse. I’M SIXTEEN FOR GODS SAKE LIAM; I CAN DATE WHOEVER I WANT!” I yelled back, standing up.

“BLOODLY HELL KAYLEN, IS THIS WHAT THIS IS FUCKING ABOUT?” Liam stood up as he spoke the whole table standing up to move aside.

“WELL IT IS NOW! YOU DON’T ALWAYS KNOW BEST!” I yelled and with that ran up the stairs. I heard footsteps in the kitchen.

“Liam leave her alone, she needs space.” I heard from the kitchen as I reached the top flight of stairs.

“Harry, now you, you FUCK OFF. YOU’VE DONE BLOODLY ENOUGH.” With that I ran to my room and locked my door. I heard footsteps and muffled yelling but ignored it, crying into my pillow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2012 ⏰

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