Page 5 : Your feelings are important

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Whenever you feel bad, talk about it. Talk about it to someone, anyone, virtual or real. It's the best way for you to get better. If it doesn't really help you to talk about it, the person you told to will maybe have some advice for you to feel better. At least this person, will know how bad you feel and could be able to help you, my dear.

Okay so here's a tip for you :

Whenever i feel down, i plug my earphone on and put my music out loud. Sometimes, it's hard to know what's wrong and what you could do to "fix" yourself up. So, by listening to music, and talking to yourself, asking yourself what's wrong, why are you sad, why are you mad, you could find a solution to your problems. 

For a long time, i did believe that i was alright. I wasn't seeing myself being sad and mad, i was like hiding my emotions from myself, wich could sounds weird, but I'm sure I'm not the only one out there to be like this. And one day, i putted my music up and started to dance and draw and then suddenly, i bursted in cry. 

I didn't know what was wrong, i kept crying and couldn't get out of my room, but I understood that something was wrong for a very long time, since I could'nt stop crying.

What I am saying, is that you should find something that could help you finding out when something is bothering you. 

Maybe it's an old injury opened up because of a silly sentence said by someone, or an old issue that kept hauting you, but everything as a point start and sometimes it's hard to see if it's really finish. 

Love, always listen to your emotions, it's important. 

Don't think your feelings are wrong, silly or anything else but important.

That's it, my dear. 

Keep yourself from the darkness of our world.

Your friend

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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