Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice!

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Saeyoung sighed as he leaned back in his computer chair. His eyes were still locked onto the screen displaying six different feeds from cameras set up around the apartment that once was Rika's, though a torn bit of paper was carefully taped over the one in the bottom left, the one labeled 'bathroom'. MC was growing antsy, complaining loudly about her missing things and fidgeting as she moved around the apartment. She didn't stay in one camera's view for long before moving on to the next and the next, eventually moving out of the view of all but the one he had covered for privacy reasons. He shifted his attention from the screen as she did this, switching the audio off on the monitor that had his attention the whole time and turning to another larger monitor to his right. He was reading through a large block of code, carefully, searching for a way to explain her even showing up in the first place. One minute she didn't exist to them and the next minute she was just there, in the chat, taunting him with the fact that someone had hacked his carefully designed system in order to get her there.

Someone that wasn't her.


His eyes were burning, his head felt heavy, he knew that if he didn't lay down soon he could very well pass out at his workstation. He had to get to the bottom of this problem quickly, but he had to sleep. He could feel his mind wandering with each second that passed.

Movement from his left caused him to turn back to the cctv monitor. MC was out of the bathroom and with a few button clicks he could hear her shuffling around the apartment once more. However when he caught sight of her once again on the screen he felt the need to shut it off for both their sakes. She was only in a pair of light colored panties, possibly white or light pink, he couldn't tell with the black and white feed. In her arms were a bundle of clothes that only hid her breasts for as long as she held them. It wasn't very long because she rushed to the laundry room and shoved them into the washing machine while muttering something about toothpaste. He felt his cheeks warming as he quickly switched over to just display the feed of the front room, berating himself for watching as long as he did even as he reached inside a bag of chips and popped one in his mouth. He had to work, he couldn't get distracted now.

A yawn escaped him as he tapped away at the keys. MC said that she chatted with this Unknown and that he sent her there, but so far there was no trace of that chat history within the app. He wanted to believe her, she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary the entire time he'd been watching her and she didn't seem to realize she was being watched. If her words were true, this Unknown person had hacked his system, had broken into his app and possibly hacked his home computers as well, considering he had to get the password to Rika's apartment from somewhere.

"...So it wasn't you. Dammit." The sound of her voice pulled him back to the screen. She still wasn't in veiw of the front room camera, but he could hear her just as well as if she were standing behind him. "No. No don't tell mom I- I will figure out something." He shifted in his seat as his current position became comfortable, the new one pinched at the back of his left side, perfect. The pain would keep him awake longer. "You better not be messing with me... no! I am not messing with you! I am upset here!" He tapped his lip with a chip for only a moment before giving into his thoughts and spending the few seconds it took him to do it to hack her phone. In just a few more keystrokes he could hear both sides of the conversation. The bag of Honey Buddha chips were pulled into his lap as he tucked his ears into his headphones and turned back to the code string he had been looking through.

"Well, how do you think I feel? My poor baby sister leaving town to be all on her own for the first time, and the next day she's calling me to complain about her clothes being all gone." Saeyoung rolled his eyes, if only this guy knew.

"I am more worried about my books... I can get more clothes easier than anything else." She grumbled these words in the same way she had grumbled while on the phone with him, just another point in the 'MC may not be lying' column.

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