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For my friend Maixiqzz


Yoyo said nothing as he carresed the photo of his deceased lover...

She left him... that disease took her from him...

"Yoyo~" he could still hear her voice in his head... he had to let go of her...

"Come on Yoyo, it's just a bowtie. It's not going to eat you." Crystal smiled sofly at him... holding a white bowtie in her hand. "No! You known i dont like things on my neck." Yoyo folded his arms around his chest...

"I would have put it on if I only knew I was gonna lose her... tears filled his glowing blue eyes.

"She has what?"

"Yeah man, she had a split personality, one of a boy and the other a girl..."

She was was fighting to stay in control of her own body... he didnt see the signs... they were so obvious... and he missed them...

The stratching of the skin...

The shaking...

The headaches...

The twitching...

They flew over his head like a plane.

Now she's gone... gone forever...

This little photo was all he had to remember her by... her smiling lips, bright eyes and wonderful aura...

They were gone.

Yoyo sighed as he smiled at it, someday he will meet her... but for now...

"Crystal... my love... please wait for me..."


"Sir, tell me how she is?"

The doctor turned to the dark blue stick figure, sorrow in his eyes, "im sorry... but she died."

Crystal died in her fight... she fell into the darkness of her mind, never to return ever again...

She was gone...


Hope you liked it

Changed the original plot so it's short.
I will be scarce after this.

Benjamin x reader will be up late december/early january. I always get sad writing the endings of stories... ;-;

Well until then. :"3

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